Damn you C3

I have (had ?) no plans to buy any new throws but then I see the release of the Galaxy Dinosaur…

Galaxy Dinosaur yo-yo by C3yoyodesign – YoYoExpert

The Galaxy Diver is a favorite. I have both versions (6061 and 7075 v2) and I absolutely love the shape, the feel and the power.

Then the Omnitron Noah came along with a more refined shape and Ti rings!!! Take my money. I love what the titanium added to the throw. More power, astonishingly smooth, amazing spin time. This gets regular love in the rotation and took the top spot as my favorite C3.

And now… the Dinosaur. It takes the Diver and adds the Ti rings…this thing is going to make my play money extinct. How can I say no? It’s like my 2 favorite C3s had a beautiful child.

And so I say, damn you C3. Take my money…again.


throw often.


Haha I feel like C3 is the outrageous cousin that you never expected to love but became obsessed with. Their designs and names are so out there, you just never know what to expect. Did you see that stand for the Galaxy Dinosaur? It’s crazy!


I’m right there with you, brother. I think C3 has my house bugged, every time I think “I need to stop buying new yoyos” they go and do something like this.

I still need an AL-6 Galaxy Diver, though.


Yeah you do.
I lie my 6061 better than the 7x series one.

Just sayin…:grin:


Wow, now you’re making me feel like I need both the Dino and the Hydro. I was ok with only getting one, but…damn you C3 fans!


i’m trying to give you my money…but your site isn’t letting me. :wink:

it’s showing the drop counter at 0 00 00 00…but no option to add one to my cart…lol

perhaps it was not meant to be.
