Contest: share your most "beat" yo-yo, win a new yo-yo! [ended 11/16]

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so I’m new to the whole forum experience but here’s my most beat up USABLE yoyo( the most beat up yoyo title goes to my yotricks sage which I thought would be a good idea to use for 4a) . This is my C3 Vapormotion, which was actually my first yoyo I bought on YYE. I got it way back last year and it was the absolutely best yoyo I had ever bought. I played with it almost everyday, while waiting at the bus stop, or during my free time when I got home, it wa just pure fun. Unfortunately, I also tended to make some pretty bad choices when it came to yoyoing, such as playing with it extensively under heavy rain, or other such things but around the same time, I was also learning about my string awareness, which led to countless hits on the floor and my noggin( One time, I even managed to hit my head while waiting in line to board a plane on a stop over in Germany because I was doing pinwheels without looking and all of a sudden it snagged and let go near my eye, so that was REALLY awkward when people turned their heads to look at me, and all they saw was a guy with a yoyo in his hand). So throughout the years, the yoyo kept getting many more dings and soon I decided it was a good idea to sand out some of the more sharper dings which were hurting me. I still use this yoyo to this day and pick it up whenever, because it’s still really fun to play with, as it’s so floaty and fast, and it’s my favorite yoyo to fingerspin with. Eventually the bearing became unusable but I replaced it with a Center Trac and it’s all better now. The yoyo still has a little vibe but it’s still usable and really good, and I will keep using it for a long time.