how about iYOYO Steel ?
The Rainfly should be here Monday… already signed up for the YYF dream Ti project, so that should be a June delivery… already have a Chico Bulldog 225…
Yeah, I can see where this is going. And I thought this would be one of my cheaper hobbies… :
The BST will be your best route in the future. There’s some really great deals that get posted if you watch closely. Pertyo always has fair deals on some top notch stuff and is very trustworthy. As long as you watch the feedback you should be good.
The RainFly has finally arrived! Stuck a good bearing in it, put on some Kitty Fat, and gave it a throw - not even that great of a throw - and it slept for over 3 minutes. It seemed to make some of the tricks that I’ve just learned (Buddha’s Revenge, Pop 'N Fresh, etc.) smoother and easier to land, too… Very happy with it.
Thanks again for all the recommendations!
When you said "not even a good throw I was like oh geez
Lol… i meant throw as in throw, not throw as in yoyo
Yeah it just took me a minute