Color Confusion/Anno Enigma

Blue, Yellow, and Pink. A pretty combination to look at… until it starts spinning.

iYoYo Shooting Star:

Has more yellow IRL than visible here.

YYF Mega Monster:

Granted, the metal flakes give this a decent silvery look

But only for some yoyos. This Saturday Market looks incredible.
Saturday Market Appreciation Thread - #33 by POspot?

Why do you think this is? What variables make this color scheme look amazing when spinning on some, while bland on others?

Video is the way to go

My favorite


Question…. On the Megamonster…

You show the splash coloring in the cup view.

And then you show the color change using a gap view.

Why don’t you show a gap view of still and spinning or a cup view of the yo-yo still, then spinning?

Just curious…

PS…. And the OP titles the subject anno enigma, and the first example he gives is a plastic yo-yo, lol😂

Maybe transparent aluminum like in Star Trek 4?


The amount of „noise“ in the pattern is a key factor. Depending on the RPMs and the periodicity of the structures.

But that does not necessarily mean the more noise the greater the effect. It needs to be in the right range. It‘s also dependent on the lighting situation, if you use modulated light sources, this can change again.


The wave-lenght of the different colors has the most impact visually. Something blue will always dominate against yellow or red.

My Yellow/Blue Aurora Shooting Star looks solid blue when playing. And I was also a little bit disappointed, that the colors are so faint on that Yo.


My pano turns a nice bluish purple when spinning


This is a really interesting thread, and that’s exactly why I didn’t choose to go with that color of the shooting star.
I prefer solid colors more, but when I’m choosing between splashes, that’s always something I heavily keep in mind.
Very Interesting


This thread gives me ideas. Like could you make a phenakistiscope yoyo? Probably, i guess G2 already does with their swirls. But maybe you could animate something even more complex using the spinning.

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And then you show the color change using a gap view.

I was being lazy right before bed and reused pics I already had. Updated today.

titles the subject anno enigma, and the first example he gives is a plastic yo-yo

I thought about that too, but the alliteration was too good not to use lol. Still an anno enigma in the post, just not with that particular yoyo.

Maybe transparent aluminum like in Star Trek 4?

That’s actually a thing in Real Life 2025: Video: Transparent aluminum—from Star Trek to (almost) reality - The American Ceramic Society

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Thanks :slight_smile: That’s what I was hoping for.

Yeah, I wish I could have found a video of it in motion before buying. The colors I really wanted were sold out at the time :confused: Oh well. At least it looks cool sitting there and when I mess up a trick.

I’ve actually been surprised how few of those there are. I think the trouble is that yoyos don’t spin at a constant rpm, so it’s a lot of extra work in design for something you’ll only see for part of spin. That G2 swirl sure looks cool to me, though.


You should ask @drewtetz . Professional zoetrope artist and your Quark looks like it’s based on one of his yoyo models too

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That would be so awesome, I’d really like to see that for sure.

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That’s so cool! I freehand doodled the quark design lol, wanted something vaguely spacey and different from standard profiles. Can’t believe it came close to one of his!

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when my dog too hungry he throws up bile sometimes
looks like how many overly complicated rgb splash yoyo look when they spin

I have very few busy-splash yoyo that look good when spinning. Some older peak like seb brock look amazing when spinning,however,and many old clyw

I like my yoyo solid color now. i like vibrant when I see/use it on string, feels better to me