Cody Wright VA States 2011 1A 30th (HD)

This is the HD Verizon of my Freestyle at VA States 2011. Also in Black in White… Except my YoYo! I thought that was a Cool Effect. :smiley:
YoYo Used: YYF Dv888

Did you REALLY have to start a whole new thread?

Yes, because I deleted the Other One. :wink:

Well NOW you did :stuck_out_tongue:

cool effect. i like it

Okay fs, but not a lot of originality. I would try to come up with your own concepts and combos for your next fs. Even you don’t hit the tricks as clean, I have faith the judges will be kinder on your score if you show them something new.

They were reasonable with your score. First of all, you didn’t complete (or successfully complete) many of your combos. Those gave you no points, or even negative points. In addition, you had many rolls where you’d swing the yoyo around. They often get little to no points as well. You hopped several times throughout the FS which probably didn’t do well for you in terms of repetition, and you also swung it around once on every trick. Some judges will actually deduct points for that.

Thanks for Clearing that up for me Samad. :smiley: