Quick Look ft. Cody Wright

Quick Look for VA States 2011 Next Week! Bring it!
YoYo Used: YYF Primo

Holy guacamole, that’s way too fast. I mean, I get that there is some form of skill involved when going fast, but I just watched it and got nothing out of it. If you are planning on competing I’d personally enjoy some eye candy, know what I mean? :wink:

LOL. At VA States, Most of my Tricks wont be this fast. I just wanted this Combo to be Fast because I thought it looked Cool. :wink:

O.O epic cody.

@patrick. he is going fast but it is also the quality of the camera too.

LOL Thanks. But I dont think the Quality is making it go Faster. Its just being a little Fuzzy today, is all. Its Usually Really Good Quality. :wink:

He is not saying that the quality is making it go fast, he is saying that the crappy quality makes it difficult to see, as well as the speed.