Quick Look for VA States 2011 Next Week! Bring it!
YoYo Used: YYF Primo
Holy guacamole, that’s way too fast. I mean, I get that there is some form of skill involved when going fast, but I just watched it and got nothing out of it. If you are planning on competing I’d personally enjoy some eye candy, know what I mean?
LOL. At VA States, Most of my Tricks wont be this fast. I just wanted this Combo to be Fast because I thought it looked Cool.
O.O epic cody.
@patrick. he is going fast but it is also the quality of the camera too.
LOL Thanks. But I dont think the Quality is making it go Faster. Its just being a little Fuzzy today, is all. Its Usually Really Good Quality.
He is not saying that the quality is making it go fast, he is saying that the crappy quality makes it difficult to see, as well as the speed.