Clyw Minitee?

Anyone thrown the minitee? Looks fun

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It’s fun for certain, very small but super wide, and for as tiny it is, still a lot of chonk to it (around 66g). Relatively stable but once it starts tilting it has a purpose. Definitely interesting but in a good way. I find it enjoyable to just goof around with every once and a while. Very cool and unique. The return can be tough at times, doesn’t always want to climb back up the string well, like it’s aquatic based creature, vertically challenged at times, but I’m happy I have it for sure.

As a Floridian myself, without a Manatee (real or CLYW version) I can only honor the second best thing.


Sounds cool, I’ll probably end up picking one up when I have the spare cash, and god do I miss Florida, tired of the NY weather lol

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Good luck, Publix itself is totally reason enough :rofl:

It’s definitely frustrating at times, but I love it personally, great and fun challenge, Minitee is one I wouldn’t get rid of for certain, if not for just the novelty but still playability alone.

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100% agree with this, like you ripped the thoughts out of my head


link to a bst minitee for $30, id snatch it before its gone. I’ve dealt with this guy twice, and both times he was wonderful


If only I had money to spend right now :sob:

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Shot them a message regarding a trade, wish me luck!