CLYW Leaf is live

I haven’t seen any hype around this one. Anyone jump? I’m excited as I’ve never even played the OG. Looks like one colorway for launch.


I am flat broke, otherwise I would have been all over it. But I love what I have picked up, so no regerts.

Okay some regerts.


I hope it’s good, but I’m concerned they made it too wide.


Looks like it would play really nice i think, hopeful the extra width offbalance the "thud’ old chief have from playing kinda heavy with all that rim buff. all of the chief-likes since chief have been great, so im sure this will be fun!

Aesthetically, not sure why they castrate the nub and make it a VSNewton button-nose. Some of you might like, i think it is much uglier than how they used to look. Looks like chief got punched square in his face and made a stumpy pug chief :frowning:

I feel like one of CLYW very unique visual separation from other brands was the snow-man nose that have seen on yoyo since BvM (or pointy like chief/wm/cf). sad to me that it is disappearing in recent releases and turn into a pug-face

i will buy when the new color come! i hope 28s on this as good as beater was


Bought one can’t wait to give it a throw.


My understanding is these blues were the first to arrive and Steve wanted to give people a chance to buy before Christmas. But the full first run will have a couple other solid colours (same colours as the first run of the Chief, so will have at least clear/grey and I forget the third).


Guilty. I haven’t bought anything in months. Bought the Leaf, and a gold YYE mystery bag. I don’t know what got into me that day…


Finally, As unusual as it may seem, Kaede Said something that I fully agree with. Absolutely no argument in sight.

When she said CLYW Should not have castrated The nub and turn it into a VS Newton button nose, that was a fact that almost seemed like it was magnetically extracted from the holy Bible.

Since obviously no one expects everybody else to know everything, I have dropped by to lay down a little actual history on this situation

If you knew anything about Canadian folklore, you would know that they made that change in honor of a Canadian Indian that was loved by many.

I just coincidentally happened to know this fact, I’m about to reveal because I knew the man himself. His name was Chief Stumpy Pug. I used to play poker with the guy every Thursday night at the Ontario bowling alley and laundromat. He never raised on a hand unless he had four of a kind or a royal flush.

His ranch House was called the Caribou Lodge. Most of his neighbors just thought he was a yo-yo.

He was the choreographer for Pee-wee Herman‘s dancing scene in the Pee-wee Herman‘s big adventure movie.

So there you go, Kaede Is correct. I agree with her 102% and that’s one less thing we all have to wonder about.

The leaf is no doubt going to be one of the most popular yo-yos that Chris has ever re-leafed.

Now that I’ve been helpful, I will get back to the task that I interrupted to make this post

I have the daunting task of removing hard water spots from my wife’s favorite coffee cup in complete darkness because we had a blackout. I should be done in about 12 hours.

Sad to report that the chief died several years ago after buying a custom hat with a plastic edge on the brim. 15 seconds after he put on the hat and ran down a flight of steps as he left the store, he fell dead in his tracks. The cause of death… A most unusual one was listed as fatal vibration.Witnesses said they did not hear him scream, but they heard the weirdest ringing sound. They said it almost sounded like a titanium school bell.

Fact is stranger than friction


What now?

@yoyodoc’s middle name is definitely “Tomfoolery.”


I’ve been looking forward to this release for a while so I ordered one straight away. It’ll be interesting to see how it compares to the Chief because I honestly don’t know how they could improve on the design.


They did…

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Likewise - I’ve got 1 or 2 Chief’s and am very interested to see how this plays. I coined up for the fastest shipping but not expecting it to land this side of Xmas.


I’m waiting for more colors. Pickaxe will keep me happy till then.

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Been anxiously awaiting this release so I picked one up. I haven’t played a Chief since I regrettably sold mine back in like 2018, but I’ll report back as to how it plays.

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“castrate the nub” lmao

I jumped! Xmas gift to myself.
Will report back!


Shortest yoyodoc response ever.

You ok over there?


Ahhh. A true poet.

Love the look of the leaf*. Blown my budget for the year but can’t wait to snag one
