CLYW Borealis

Could someone post a picture of it? so that others who haven’t heard of it yet don’t miss out.

Can someone please educate me as to how that doesn’t look a whole lot like an Advance Scout, AC2 combo? Also considering that the Advance Scout has been Zach’s favorite for the last little while, and the AC2 is his current signature, seems like two very influential yoyos in Zach’s preferences for a new one, no?

Not that that sounds like a bad thing, that honestly sounds like the most amazing thing ever!

I’ve saw some of the raw halves at One Drop recently, shape looks nothing like AC2 or Advanced Scout IMO

Maybe it’s just the angle of the pictures I’ve seen, but that’s honestly what I’m hoping it will play like! I’m sure it will be fantastic no matter what, but the Advance Scout is still top of my list

People need to calm down, I’m exited too, but dang…0.0

As far as the yo-AHEM return top goes it looks like something that I would very thoroughly enjoy throwing around, but not worship like some people do on lol

Looks like we got some logos for the borealis. Loving the engraving logo

Box art


^^ love those designs! Also I played Zach’s Borealis at Nats ;D

“What the?! You a-hole!” Was the first thing that came out of my mouth. Kinda came out involuntarily.

So… How does it play!!! By feel along, what are the exact specs? ::slight_smile:

Yes how did it play??


It has a totally different feel from other throws in CLYW’s line. It has play characteristics similar to that of the AC2, Scout, Puffin 2, and the Orca; when compared with other CLYW’s. It is fast, agile, very maneuverable, stable, and long-spinning. I had a good 35-45 mins of play time with the Borealis, taking it through my combo’s. I have to say that it is a completely different beast.

I was surprised at how maneuverable and quick it was. It had maneuverability of a smaller yoyo, the stableness of a heavier yoyo, and the raw spinning power of a bi-metal. To me it felt solid, but quick at the same time; it can really handle a wide variety of tricks. It was really amazing.

As far as specs, I forgot to ask Zach; but from my experience it felt that I was playing this:

Diameter: 56mm
Width: 43-45mm
Gap width: 4.3-4.5mm
Weight: 64-65g
Bearing: Center track or Koncave

As a result, this yoyo has my interest and money peaked. I definitely look forward to this throw.

It’s too bad the premium colors won’t have that beautiful engraving… Either way

i like that design a lot!
made me think of this:

yea right! great marketing! all i see is a couple questions about a yoyo? people showing positive interest.

Ut oh! The borealis is near!!!

The Borealis thirst is real ;D

Specs came out:

Diameter - 56.4mm
Width - 43.7mm
Weight - 66.9 grams
Response - Snow Tires
Box Art - Mike Lundy

Very interesting!

:o maybe I will get a solid after all.