Hey guys my iPhone 3GS recently started sounding weird with my ear buds plugged in. I twist the connector and the would varies so I figured it’s probably just dirty. Is there any way I can safely and quickly clean it? Or do you guys think this is a bigger problem?
I’ve once had this problem too. The way I fixed it was similar to how you clean eyeglasses.
Just fog up the metal tip with your breath and wipe it clean with a dry fabric that doesn’t leave behind lint. It worked for me.
Are you sure it isn’t the ear buds? Maybe the wire is starting to go.
Yep this happens with Apple, Scull candy and Bose earbuds. The Apple earbuds are old but the other 2 are pretty good and sound great on my laptop.
This is a similar problem with Xbox 360 headsets. I think it’s mostly the male connector of the headset.