This can be closed, creating a new thread to organize better

I’ll definitely try to be there then! As a side note, we apparently share a last name. You wouldn’t happen to have family in the Nashville or Memphis Tennessee area, would you?


Not as far as I know. That’s a pretty cool coincidence though

Welcome to the forums. Hope to see you there.

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I’m super sad I am too sick to join today but was planning to. Got a hecking strong cold or something and still coughing a ton - hope everyone has fun!

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No worries, feel better!

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Hey we’re here. Over by the tennis courts and volley ball net

I only just got home from the airport and my car needs a bit of time to charge. How long are yall gonna be there?

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We’ll still be here a while!

Looks like we’re going to be heading out somewhat soon

Sorry for not attending, niece was born 3 days back and it was my first chance to see her, wasnt passing that up


No worries. Understandable. Hit us up on the next one.


Hey everyone. First time getting on here to find people to play yoyo with. Is the discord still active?


Yep. Welcome to the forums.

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I think the link is no longer valid or the group is private. I can’t find any search results in discord for Cincinnati Yoers. Is the group private or does it just need a bump because it expired?

Either way I’m located in Anderson Twp on the eastside and just came back to throwing yoyo just to see if I still could after all these years and now am just collecting and having fun.

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I did not even know there was a Cinci discord. That’s pretty cool. We’ve just been trying to organize stuff on this thread so far.

Well then, it may not exist anymore. There is a link in the sticky OP and then a little down another link, but I suppose that is dead. It might be a good idea to make a Discord server just to move communications off of the forum format or Facebook. I don’t use Facebook really, I only have a spoof account, but it could be handy. Use the forum as a means of catching new members that land on YoYoExpert and socialize the club with Facebook and Discord.


I would be fine doing that if there was enough interest. We only have a handful of people in the are in the area that I know of.

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Sorry…read your comment wrong. Discord-I have no idea. We just try to organize meet ups on here. If one was started I would join.

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Cincinnati YoYoers was the discord that was set up

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That said there isnt much to it and i dont know if the owner is around still to update it

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