Christmas throw help!!

So its the holidays and like many of you guys youre looking for a new throw for Christmas. I cant decide what i want at all. The only thing that has caught my eye was the Noctu re-release. As of right now I have a Duncan Metal Drifter, a POPstar, Dv888 and a C3 Capless. Im looking for something new and un alike what i have. My price cap is 120. Any and all suggestions are well appreciated! Thanks

-Chris :smiley:

New run Ava. Nuff said.

Next run of Puffins.

CLYW Avalanche

Try out different styles of yoyoing. Get a pair of looping yoyos, or an offstring yoyo, or get two cheap plastics to try 3a.

I can pile on the Avalanche train. Great throw, all you’d really ever need.

Thanks to all. I decided on th Ava. Blizzard?