Chopsticks with a Superstar?

The superstar was the first metal I ever wanted to get. I’ve finally decided to get one. But I don’t know if I can do chopsticks with it. I’ll still probably get it anyway though. Thanks for the help! I can spread my thumb and finger pretty far btw.

Any yo-yos especially Superstar yo-yo, can do chopstick tricks.

Happy Throwing! =]

Chopstick tricks are easier with smaller yo-yo’s, but they aren’t impossible with full sized ones. I do chopsticks with larger yo-yo’s a lot, and never miss.

Chopsticks are possible with ANY yoyo on th emarket these days. I would take doing chopsticks with large yoyos a good way to practice.

As long as it’s a 1a yoyo and not a 4a yoyo (i.e. BigYo, Aquarius, etc…) you can do chopsticks with it.

Actually, you can do chopsticks with any yoyo so long it is smaller than the maximum length between your index finger and your thumb.

I can do it on a Hayabusa, and its bigeer than that lenth.

The SuperStar will be fine for Chopsticks.

I bet Drew Tetz can do chopsticks on a BigYo lol…

But then he’s a MUTANT :o