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Japan - Competitive 1A Edition

USA - Competitive 1A Edition

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Gentry = red mage

Definitely think Gentry is more of a fighter.

Fighter = spirit. Shion and Evan for sure
Paladin = body tricks. My fav Asian and American player
Specialist = specialist. Hiro’s def a specialist
Mage = unique. Arata Imai yuh
Warrior = …speed? Probably not Idk. Its Ryuichi. I guess Keirans one of the faster Americans too
Assassin = straight face.

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Red Mages are good at multiple things but don’t specialize in one. Gentry (I think) has said that his style and approach to competing is basically like that.

I will defend this to the death.


I feel like i dont align with any of these :joy:

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Where’s shaman and druid?