Ceramic vs Hybrid Bearings

I month or more ago I was blessed to accidentally get a hybrid bearing in a BST sale. I was shocked to find it added a solid minute to spin time (across multiple yoyos) during play considering all of the posts I’ve read indicating they weren’t any better than SS. I’ve tried to do some reading, but mostly keep finding negative experiences.

For those that have used both, which do you prefer and why? What brand is your favorite?

I’ve read that full ceramic need no lube (except to make them quiet) and can be cleaned with soap and water; hybrids are cleaned the traditional way and can be lubed or not as well. Is this correct?

Thanks in advance.


Konkave ceramic for me. Keeping the faith.


I swear by hybrids. Absolutely love em.

Running them dry is the way for me (even with my SS concaves, i use 2 drops of White spirit 5050 mixed with thin lube and then pressurised air spin it for a minute).

But I have to clean my hybrids with 100% isopropyl alcohol, I dunno why. Otherwise the bearing just spins like it’s grimey and dirty

And there’s a great brand in the UK called vivace that I’ve found for hybrid. Really consistent.

I don’t understand all the negativity, I had to ignore it and try them for myself.

I DO feel like it’s not a cut and paste job for every throw though.
I mostly use the same strings and bearings but sometimes I find I’m better off finding different setups for different yoyos.


I’m looking at the ones on YYE…

Sochi $40?! Is there more than one per pack?

Not sure if YYE’s generic hybrid & ceramic are flat or centering (the one picture for the multiple options looks like flats).