Can you fix a vibing yoyo?

I dropped the Speedholic FX hard and now it vibes. it’s not just a fingernail vibe. you can feel it on the string and you can see it. there isn’t an obvious ding. it there a fix?


Possibly. There’s no guarantee though. It’s possible that the axle got bent in the impact, it wouldn’t hurt to change axles anyways, so that’s one thing. It’s also likely that one or both of the metal rims got shifted out of whack. Disassemble the yo-yo, remove the axle and bearing. Lay each half on a rug or similar surface that won’t scratch the finish. Place it with the ring facing down. Get ready to stand on the backside of the yo-yo. Slowly apply more weight until you hear or feel the ring snap back into place. Do this for both halve and replace the axle. Now you have done all that you can do. Maybe it’ll be perfect again, maybe it’ll only be a little better, Maybe it won’t change at all. It’s most likely though, that you will get improvement. :wink::+1: