Campfire Yo-yo help!

I was playing with my campfire and all of a sudden the bearing began to make a lot of noise! When I opened the yoyo and tested spinning the bearing, it seemed that it made a lot of noise by me spinning it myself. Any help please? ??? ???

*** I’ve played the yo-yo for about 2 weeks now and the same with the bearing

Maybe the bearing needs lube.

How much lube do i put? Is it possible for a new bearing to be dry already?

One drop is enough. Or, put a drop on a needle and then put it in the bearing.

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Thanx! Its quiet now! I might have put a little too much though cuz its dead quiet. Will the lube wear off from play?

Yup. It will also eventually be loud again. Then, you can put lube on it again.

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