Came across a super cool flickr page

The person in question is, indeed, putting together a yoyo museum. Given that he hasn’t, as far as I know, made and account here I’ll avoid specifics and just say that this person has also done a lot to help promote yoyoing.

WOW No that is a yoyo collection!!! hehe… All those BBB CLYW… WOW…

I only went through the first 10 pages or so. Pretty impressive.

He has DV8 #1!

I went through all 101 haha

Same… it was nice

I stopped at like 45 because he stopped listing what it was.

If you we’re a yoyo guru like me you would know what they were without a title :wink:

I have the pink speckle wrath. I’d like to have that one as well.

I would snatch those YYJ up in a second.

Yup yours was the one that I knew. I remember you posting on DS thread About it

This person just bought my 7075 Hulk Smash Chief on ebay. I hope he can get a yoyo museum going. He definitely has the collection. Wish I did, lol.

man I hope he does that would be awesome