posting this early to help people get this string as cheap as possible, everyone deserves to try it.
Canopy Rope || A (94/100)
A bit of an explanation for this is needed. I’ve been REALLY wanting to try this ever since it was announced, as seen here.
I saw that it was using “a blend of string adapted from [Sochi’s] Phoenix line”, as said on the Canopy Collection Website. Phoenix String also “combines Alphaline Technology with SOCHI’s Pro Prostring Blend” as said on the YYE page for it. Now, i have a few questions:
- Whats Alphaline Technology ?
- What’s Prostring Blend?
- If the Canopy blend is from Phoenix String and the Phoenix blend is Pro Prostring Blend (weird name), is it really based off of Phoenix string? Wouldn’t it be based off of Prostring instead?
I have no answers for these (yet), but with all that being said, i was excited nonetheless since Phoenix String is one of my favorites. I was sad they wouldn’t have them at Worlds, but turns out my Canopy AL came with one string of Rope, and after almost losing it among a sea of Alphaline Whiteout, the review is now here.
This is SOFT, maybe a bit too soft for me when it starts out. After about 4-5 minutes though, the softness goes from too much to right in the Goldilocks Zone of softness, which is stunning. I didn’t think Alphaline Whiteout could be improved on, but here it is. The string has about an average wind with a feel that perfectly blends the feeling of the strands on your fingers. Early on, slacks and whips were very fast, maybe around OT levels, but with a bit of give in the solidity that’s also present in Phoenix String and SLACKiES. Fatter string pulls this off slightly better if i’m remembering correctly. I couldn’t really narrow down the weight of the slack because, to be honest, that’s one of the things im the worst at. The string lost the initial stretchiness and started to really show the worn fuzzies around the 30 minute mark. I heard that these fuzzies can activate the response earlier and it may be a placebo effect, but the age didn’t impact binds as much as I thought it would. I felt a bit of tighter binds, maybe by a .5 score, thicker than Phoenix String. Near the hour, the string plateaued exactly where it was at the 30 minute mark. The only difference is that tension holding became ever so slightly worse and whips felt a bit slower, but all of those aren’t observations that can be set in stone.
Compared to other strings I’ve used, the tension wasn’t bad at all, which was my main concern. Consistency was off the charts, as the only variables in how the string behaved felt like it came from me or the tension. Everything else felt the same, which is an amazing mark for the durability of this string. The slacks and whips throughout the hour were definitely on the assisting side because of the speed, but everything else like weight, shape, etc. didn’t carry me too much to be called an assist or a crutch. I heard it gets softer after some more hours, so look forward to that too!
Overall, this is outstanding and really promising from a brand as new as Canopy. I’ll put my money where my mouth is and buy a 200 pack after this, i feel like I’ll stick with this for a while. Definitely worth the $25 for how long they can last and still feel like new. I highly recommend this for fans of the “broken in” feel that want a faster paced string, fans of Alphaline, and fans of Phoenix String. Stats below!
Durability 30 min (4)
Durability 1 hr (4.5)
Personal Thickness Feel (5)
Whip Feel Break-In (5)
Whip Feel 1 hr (4.5)
Slack Feel Break-In (4.5)
Slack Feel 1 hr (4.5)
Tension Hold over 1 hour overall (4)
Softness during break-in (6)
Overall consistency over 1 hour (5)
Total: 47 x 2 = 94, 94 = A graded based on letter system (A: 100-90, B: 89-80, C: 79-70, D: 69-60, F: 60<)
go buy some, as the sale ends tomorrow at midnight. see yall in a week and a half