Broadening my views

Hey guys,

As I’ve bought my yo-yos I’ve tended to stay close to undersized metals. I’ve stayed clear of anything but undersized since I knew I would’nt be disappointed. But now, I wanted to broaden my views from just undersized throws to any kind of throws. The problem is, I don’t want to spend a lot of money just to find out that I don’t like that style. I even have a dark magic which I feel very “so-so” about its size.

Current list of yo-yos: dv888, dark magic, campfire, maverick

Anyone know what to do or ever had this experience?

Of course.

Try to get to a contest or meet and try out other people’s yoyos. What state are you in? We can help you find where a contest is.

Also, you can trade yoyos. I’m sure you could find somebody to trade with.

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Thanx! I’m in the “sunshine state” Florida. I’m pretty sure I’m going to worlds but are there any other contests?

You will love worlds.

I don’t know of any others down there, but I’m sure there are some.

In that case, find some people on the forums that live near you and just get together and yoyo for a while.

I know Jason (JM) and Mat (Pur3est5) Live in florida, maybe you live near one of them. Jason is alsways fun to talk to and Mat is a pretty good yoyoer. Worlds was AMAZING when I went last year. Everyone was nice and they let you try out yoyos. I met Pat Cuartero (YYN Owner), Andre, Augie, Yuuki, Ando, Kimmitt, Colin, and plenty of other pros.

Personally, I would recommend looking into a Severe.

I prefer undersized as well, simply because my hands are so small. It is quite difficult for me to do certain tricks with a larger yoyo, but somehow, with a Severe, I can do tricks like Turntablism (a trick which I could never do with say, a Superstar) just as well if not better with a Severe. It’s an amazing grinder as well.

But of course, if you can get to worlds, that’s probably the best option. :slight_smile: