Bringing $150 to the Las Vegas Open. What should I get?

I saved up a lot of money for this contest, and it’s in a few days, I’m bringing $150, what are some good things to get? I’m definitely getting a 2014 EH, but I’m not sure on what else. Maybe one of those splashed Too H.O.T.s. Leave suggestions here!

A hotel room…

The TooHOTs are nice too.

It looks like there will be many vendors. Unless you have something in mind (like the EH) I suggest you take your time, look at everything, and then decide how to spend your money.

Got one a couple months ago at the Riviera. :slight_smile:

A couple sweet B grade YYFs or a gold Space Cowboy

gsquared albatross…

I was eyeing that gold space cowboy… And I completely forgot about bgrades!

I booked a room at the riv,and was immediately upgraded to a tower room because they were sold out. Lucky me.

buy nothing. ;D

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