Branding hurts my brain

This is not yet a cry for help or advice this is just me publicly declaring that learning to brand is like antimatter to my brain and hands for some reason, even with the yo-yo tricks tutorial to help with.

Hope you all are having a good day!

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Also why is yo-yo tricks put together all as one word censored? Weird

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Because yoyo tricks, as a single word, used to be the name of a competing yoyo company, and competing yoyo company names get censored automatically by the Discourse software.

BTW, when you say “brand” do you mean “bind”?

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Ahhhh that makes sense. And no, branding is a weird trick from the 1.5 mount


I recently learned branding and its now one of my absolute favorites. its not as difficult as youd first think, just gotta keep that first swing over the top smooth


docpop has a great video on branding and its variations


Definitely having the most problems with the whole “smooth swing over the top” part so I will check this out

I was gonna try to explain this trick through text and now my brain hurts.

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Too many twisty bits and hopping between strings for text.

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branding is literally my favorite yo-yo trick it helped me understand more about how to flow, would deff recommend doing it as much as possible


I struggled with branding when I was new. My problem was that I was thinking about the slack as being something you “throw” over. The motion of the yoyo swinging over your index finger with the way the strings are set up gives the slack all the motion it needs. So you don’t “throw” the slack around, you just let go with your non throw hand while swinging the yoyo around your index finger.

Another bit of advice is that when doing any kind of slack like this, you want the yoyo to be ascending from a small hop upwards. When the yoyo is ascending the slack can just do its own thing without being pulled down by the yoyo, the moment the yoyo starts descending, the yoyo will pull the slack down with it.

Other than that it’s just practice, hopefully those two bits of advice help.


Advice is always appreciated. But for sure if one thing I’ve ever learned from yoyoing so far is that practice is everything, which can be said for a lot of things, but particularly yoyoing


It’s more like I just do it in one smooth motion, so trying to break it down made my head hurt :sweat_smile:

I suppose that’s the key to a lot of tricks…once you have all the pieces down, then you gotta practice doing all those pieces as one individual movement.


i’m trying to just start by learning the early trick doc based branding off of, i think its called brent…


My favorite thing to do on an unresponsive is put branding everywhere I can fit it.


I’m planning on putting it in-between cold fusion and Buddha’s revenge once I learn it. My routine that I’m building has this:
Laceration into Trapeze
Cold fusion
Buddha’s Revenge
Crazy 8’s
Then just dismount and jade whip to finish

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Update: I have taught myself everything up to the suicide point. Now the real fun begins

Bumping this for myself so that I can finally nail the last part of the trick

I did it!!! Now to learn to do it consistently…


Sometimes you dont need to do the whole trick, just borrow elements. Combining tricks is a reminder to do them at all