get a really dark color cause the rubber bands stretch out lighter than what they are and if you get black it looks like you have cavities so if i were you get dark green
Ugh. You’ll get used to them. They didn’t ask me if I even wanted rubber bands on the brackets (you don’t know stupid til you’ve met my orthodontist).
I wanted to get red and black though!
I had them in my early twenties. I had ceramic on the top, silver on the bottom. If you floss, use Oral B Super floss. It’s not so bad. If you don’t brush good and floss, you may end up with straight, but rotten teeth. You don’t want that, so brush real good and floss daily too. I had mine on for about two years. I didn’t need that much work, I only had a cross bite. My teeth look exactly the same, but my bite is more comfortable. I never wore bands.