I’ve made many strings under the name of Boss Strings. Back in the 2010s I developed an anti request reputation. Hence the name. Heres just an over head view of my inventory.
As you can see lots to showcase in future.
In the mean time here is my newest experiment. Its a poly/embroidery/nylon combo string. The colors are ok, but could be better.
This one is light on the special threads
And this one is heavier on the special threads. Thinking I’ll call it extra dip. (Yes San Andraes)
Hopefully one new item a week doesn’t feel like overkill. I’ve been using my spare time this week on some 100% serger polyester strings. Its an old brand of poly, and I’m just going to run out the last four cones I have of this brand. Don’t worry I have like 30ish cones of the polyester I use for product. This is just a passion project to get rid of cones I bought as a college kid.
In looking to the end of this little project of mine I’m thinking of doing some specialty string. The type that is wild, crazy, and only what you find in the “string boutiques.” My first thought is this all purpose thread. Its fast playing with a high thread count (well 12-14). I never did settle on a name i like, but these used to be called my 100s. What if I changed the name to “Foreman?” Like they could be my Foreman strings. Let me know.
Time for a look at what makes a string special in my eyes. First let me describe my reason for starting to make strings by hand. When I started there were a number of kids making strings. They generally had Maxi Lock or Surelock, or some had (Surge well😰.) Point is it was mostly a seurger poly market. Some had special core threads like dual duty and a bunch of people were using or considering using Coats and Clark embroidery thread. The standard though was just surger poly, and the price was $1-$2 a string. I felt, and still do that this was to high. I have my poly sell for $5 gives you 20 strings, or $20 for 100. That’s just a philosophy on price, but that is why i make sets of 20 like I do. Here’s some current stuff. Likely to change over time.
There is also a project I’ve been working on, but these are different than my usual thread preference.
There’s also a cotton poly blend that I make that I put in my surger poly tier. These are my economy strings. Cotton/Poly that plays real nice, but has an input cost like poly.
But can a string be worth $1 each or more. I say yes. You may remember the “Foremans” I showed off last week. That is an example of something worth putting some money into. The cost to produce strings like that is about 4-5 times as much as a surger poly, but with great effort comes great reward.
With that in Mind I give you the “Executives” These are the modified versions of the #6 (with or without extra dip.) in “Casual”
And “Business Professional” which is the (extra dip)
They are poly core poly with embroidery and wooly nylon added in. I love these, and i feel like people are gonna love these to. Keep an eye out for product testing requests.
Its that time again. This week I thought I would show off the “Metal Economy” strings i make. When I first started making them. They had names like Pitsburg steel.
Or Rusteez
But soon I was running out of names, and I kept doing new colorways of embroidery blended with my cotton poly economy.
You may remember that Economy is what I call this cotton core polyest string I found back in the day. Usually Core threada are more expensive, but this stuff was pretty affordable. No neon colors, but wow do I like it.
In current news. I have 1 spool of serger polyester left for my own projects, and then I’ll be 100% into production. “Operation waste not want not” is almost over. 250ish strings which were at threat of wasting away. What a deal.
I’m also wrapping up my tests on the new Executive strings. I just replaced the first one. They last for forever, and look decent doing it.
Lefty is new righty is a week olold and 5 sessions spent.
July is here, and I’m making it a “Coreth of July month. Bad puns aside I’m doing all core thread strings. This means Executives Economy Formans and this little treasure.
Introducing a combination of “Boss Tier” threads I’m thinking these will be The Board.” This combo is a possibly the best decision to get the job done. With some tex 70 thick thread combing power with the thin Forman thread. This whips it slacks it’s awesome.
On to what have I been making. Operation waste not want not is at 100% completion. With just over 250 strings. Not bad for 3 weeks.
This week went by with a whoosh of speed. Speaking of whoosh I’m looking to restart some embroidery poly strings. Just running into some brand issue. This is a reliable brand I’ve used in the past.
I can not over state how good this stuff whips. At the end of core month I hope yo have some kind of embroidery thread that I can use for string making. Just gotta figure what I’m going to use. No fancy name for this yet. Might just be Embroidery. My Boss names usually only go to different core threads.