
I think that that whenever it is someones birthday there should be a “Happy Birthday” sticky topic. So whenever there is a birthday and someone on yoyoeXpert doesn’t say to them happy birthday all of them get to hear the people say happy birthday yo them. :slight_smile:

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happy b day to whoever! ::slight_smile:

i dont really think its a necessary feature.

i think this is a great idea.

ooh ooh ooh and they should get a free yoyo!

or at least a gift certificate ;D

I’m fairly certain Andre can’t give away ~12 yoyo/gift certificates out every day. On the contrary though, a stickied topic is a good idea. :slight_smile:

Edit: If there was sarcasm in the posts, I apologize. Purposes can be distorted through the internet.

Awww Man. My Birthday was 4 days ago. :wink:

happy belated birthday to you! My birthday was 6 days ago

yeah free yoyos for alll

you kinda already get free yoyos from your parents or relatives

I think this feature isn’t necessary IMO. It’s great that it’s your birthday, but it just doesn’t need a happy birthday sticky thread that fits everyones birthday.

i think thats a good idea to me because my birthday is in X MAS

hey thats pretty cool!

It is a great idea! I hope it gets implemented soon…

Sorry guy’s but this will NOT happen.


ok i think there is no way of this to happen…andres not gonna give away like 200 dollars a day just for your birthday, and im sure your already gonna get yoyos for your birthday…

Well I sure would if I was king. :wink:

Don’t encourage them JHB. lol