I love tricks that incorporate betwen the arms rotation. This is a tutorial for my favorite version of this poi likr yoyo trick! Please feel free to lend advice or tell me what you think thatnks!!!
i have many variations and mounts to get into the twist between the arms but this on is a little easier to get into but there are so many ways to get into the rotations thats what makes this trick fun. i also made the tuto with no words but i thought the instructions would be more informative to the manuever
yeah it is a wrist mount but there are many ways to get into a mount for these revolutions. my tutorial is not a wrist mount tutorial there are already wrist mount rotation tutos, for instance Jorpo has one as well. my tutorial is a tutorial showing another way (not wrist mount) to get into a revolutions mount. all in all poi with a yoyo is cool and i like all forms of it!!! also the monty twist will only twist so much and the string gets tight with the bipolar mount the string can make many revolutions and still keep loose and break free easily. try them out