
do you know enny tutorials for cool binding??

Check out Brett’s Youtube page: Lot’s of great bind tutorials there, such as this one, which is great run at reduced speed:

A cool one I figured out on my own is where you do either an iron or jade whip then swing it around twice and throw it out while pulling your throw hand back, it looks pretty cool.

this one’s pretty cool too, I like to do it behind my back

I just learned plastic whip. You probably already know you can one-handed bind off that.

I like doing the Yuuki Spencer bind where there’s a slack before bringing it back.
Sky binds are my fave, though. And lately I’ve been doing arm binds.
Can’t find tuts but oh well.

thanks! i learned all this! and also i founs some on my own.

Happy Throwing! =]

Shameless self-promotion time:

go to 1:38 for bind:

They aren’t exactly tutorials, but there’s not much to teach…

at the last video i sew a cool slack bind or something. i would like to learn that :slight_smile: did you find it on the net, or maked it self?