bill lebowitz classic

No they won’t, Chris won’t come all the way down from Canada to SoCal just for BLC. BLC is not that close, or Major.

CLYW is sponsoring it.

I think they are just providing a yoyo for the winners

Hey does anyone know if you can pick up a yo-yo case for a cheap price? I was thinking about getting a ■■■■■■■ Bag for $12, but then I found out I could go to the contest, and now I might want one here. And, my brother has one, but I don’t.

So? That doesn’t mean they will be there.
Yoyoexpert sponsored BAC, but Andre wasn’t there.
That just means the are DONATING MONEY for the contest to actually be there.

It’s more like paying for promotion. That’s really what sponsorship is.

BC is going to be there?!?@!?@?!

I’m so picking up a Cream

so I know what born crucial are going to sell so here it is:
sour cream(b grade)-50 or 60 I forgot
cream-60 or 70I forgot that too
raw heavy cream(there is only a limited amount of these)-100
MILK TL(limited sell too)-60
good luck


I’m not going. :-\

Awww… well have a fun day anyway.

Aww that sucks…

sure does
oh well

I’d go.
but it’s kinda…almost over

It’s over, and was awesome.
I’m soooo gonna get a Genesis later on.


Haha, my friend Jason got a discount on his Genesis because his Frantic had a problem. So he got a marble Genisis for $55, and he got to keep is old Frantic.

Thanks Ben!!!

Does anyone know what today is gonna be like? I know its the internet contest thingy, im just interested in going to see the cool stuff, meet some people, get some advice, and possibly buy some stuff. So is it free? and can i just browse? or do i HAVE to compete or can i spectate and browse?

EDIT: and can i browse, spectate, and buy stuff?

BLC is pretty much over I think.

there is still today its a two day event and the second day contest cant be watched live on the internet im just trying to find out what site it is that i can watch it on… Had a great time at BLC day 1 everyone was great :smiley: