Big Yoyo Sale, No trades

all items as is
These are the pics

I will sell everything in one for: $250
items listed:
1.YYF G5 $50.00

2.YYF protostar $15

3.YYF 888 pink bgrade all yo edition$50

4.b grade 888 silver$60

5.trans green/trans red duncan fh $15

6.trans green/trans red duncan fh $15 fh no caps $15

8.Trans blue fhz modded by modfatha $20

9.Trans blue fhz modded by modfatha $20

10.YYF Die Nasty $10

11.Shaved Fhz Red With black caps Modded sili $40

12.YYF Counter Attack blue with gold rims $20

13.used flying panda $5

14.11 counterweights $5.00

15.Duncan yoyo glove $2

16.2 Poly strings Free with purchase

all prices added up=337
im reasonable
Paypal only