HUGE interview lined up for

In celebration of June 6th, National Yo-Yo Day I will be posting my interview of what I consider to be the biggest yo-yo personality I have ever had the honor of interviewing. If you guys remember, yoyo interviews are what got started. I have interviewed YoYoNation Pat, Hans from YoYo Factory, John Higby, and Augie Fash and with all due respect to these fantastic people, the name I have lined up is HUGE HUGE HUGE.
It will be posted on June 6th at I will make another post on Saturday morning announcing the name and a link to the interview. I don’t normally do this, but I am WAY too excited.

Keep an Eye out.


(PS, I am not trying to compete with Yin, What he is doing is great and I want to see more)


I hope it’s Jensen :slight_smile:

Taka? Ooch? Bill DeBoisblanc?

I am excited!

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I love reviews. :smiley:
Can’t Wait.

Can’t wait!

Chris, you are so awesome! I love everything YYS provides, and you keep giving more! You rule!