Bickering over grammar - and PUNCTUATION

Also, done.

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How the heck did that get in here?

Just to throw this in there.

It’s in the rules to use your best grammar and punctuation. The reason is that there are people from other countries that read these forums. They learn english as it should be taught. when they come here and see slang and terrible grammer, spelling and punctuation, they may not even be able to read it.

Punctuation goes for capitols too.

Capital letters, Capitol cities.

Those homonyms’ll get you.

Seasons don’t get capitalized, months do, days of the week do, holidays do. Don’t forget languages, countries, and heritages.

This thread is just a giant mess of smug hypocrisy combined with Muphry’s law. Stay in school, kids.

Capital and capitol are homophones, words with the same pronunciation but different spelling and meaning. Homonyms are words with the same pronunciation and spelling, but with different meanings.

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Thanks for calling me a smug hypocrite, I really appreciate that. And thank you for the correction, I actually do like it when people correct me.


I’ve always wondered why it’s Washington Capitals.