Beverchaku's 5a breakdowns

Getting there slowly on suspense


Yess!!! First thing i noticed, your string is a little long. I tell everyone this and it’s all up to you in the end. But a shorter string will help a ton with control and catching the CW in you hand vs catching the string. But, you got it either way!! This is awesome!

Yeah… i’m kinda doing that on purpose. Because all the 5A tuts out there are beginner stuff or super super hard stuff. Lots of beginner tuts though, so i wanted to make some that were harder for a new player, but not totally impossible. Gotta push the skills! But my goal with these is to get newer 5A players over that first hump, tons of people learn the basics and drop it all together because there’s that weird hump to get over the beginning stage and into your own tricks with 5A.

I got more planed like that mount video, but more just “moves” or transitions. Not a combo but more building blocks to use to make your own.


Yeah that’s kind of what I need.

A lot of the standard beginner stuff is either a little too simple, or just takes a LOT of practise (Electric Fan combo stuff I’m looking at you here!).

Just learning new 5a elements on it’s own is really helpful.


Exactly! I really hoping these can expand peoples 5A trick sets.

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Still I already cut it so short for me lol. My main problem with it is when I swing it around twice, It doesn’t land on the string to end up in the gt.

Getting better slowly.


Yessss!!! Nice work!! This is so awesome.

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