Best yoyo of 2019?

For me it was the Qubit. And to think, when Randy and I were talking about it at first I told him it wasn’t my thing based on the specs. Then some friends were playing them and telling me about them so I asked him if he had any left. Got one in the mail a few days later and it’s been my go to unresponsive since it came out. It’s so much fun, has so much personality, and in a market saturated by yoyos that are all tweaks on similar designs it’s a breath of fresh air. Love CoreCo and how they’re always thinking out of the box.


Plstc because of how well it was received.

Ti vayder because ti vayder

I really love my death adder and it is my dream bi metal atm.

Also the euphonious is very good as well for a pocket throw


The Edolass is definitely the best performing 2019 yoyo that I’ve tried!


For me, the Ti-Banshee takes the #1 spot for monometal and I think overall. It’s not just because it’s titanium. The weight is just perfect for me, and the copper finish is just fantastic. Combine that with being super durable and it’s just a great package.


Vayder all the way.


UNPRLD ReCognition

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Vayder no doubt!

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Duncan Grasshopper GTX

Killer machine. It was my first bimetal purchase for myself, and I underestimated it. After seeing several technical specs other forum members generated on its performance vs. other big names if the year, I went back for 2nds. Great 1a yoyo. Put a counterweight on it and you won’t be disappointed.