best trick ever

ok. i know i could just search the web, but i choose to ask all of you, what is the best ever yoyo trick??? could you please send a tutorial for what you meen is the best trick out there? i am bored of all my old tricks and want something new! nice if ennyone could help me :slight_smile:

There is no BEST trickā€¦that would vary greatly by opinion. I do love this one, personally, though.

There is no BEST trickā€¦that would vary greatly by opinion. I do love this one, personally, though.

i know. thereā€™s no best trick. i asked for what you ment was the best, didnā€™t i? ennyway i am definitly going to try to get this one :slight_smile: i love slacks!

Another would be Asian pops so far

There is no best trick.

i know, i know. there is no best, but wich do you like the most?

Iā€™d say there is no best trick but everyone else has already said it. :stuck_out_tongue:
But my favorite trick is boingy boing and variations to it.

Then why did you ask which one is best if you already knew there wasnā€™t a best? :slight_smile:

My favorite is Eli hops.

my favorite is and whut. use it a lot and its somehow incorporated into very one of my combos.


Donā€™t know about the best trick but itā€™s definitely the most important one. As for the OPā€™s question, the ā€˜best trickā€™ will really depend on what kind of tricks you like. Some people like crazy intricate tech while others (like me) prefer the big flashy moves.
