Best Maintenance free yoyo to give away to people

I second this, for the cost/price/performance ratio IME the ButterflyXT is the best traditional responsive for beginners. Overall, I find small bearing throws though to be the best for bearing responsive, so long as the bearing is greased correctly - something like a Freehand One might be a good option.

I am working on the YoTricks Screentime Challenge with my granddaughter (8yo). I’ve given her a couple of YYF Whips, since they’re cheap enough for her to loose. As for YoYo thick lube, I’ve tried several different kinds but have settled on either Singer Sewing machine oil ($7.99/4oz at Hobby Lobby) or some clear Remington oil ($2.47/2oz) both seem to make the bearings responsive enough for her to learn with. I recently upgraded her to a YYF Velocity with the adjustable response pads and I have them turned all the way in (tight for responsive play) but plan to loosen them as she gets better. That’s what works for me, I hope this helps.


As a fellow teacher, I get the logistics behind doing maintenance versus helping your kids at club. If at some point your collection of yoyo’s needs replaced I am going to second the recommendation for the Recess First Base above, my kids absolutely love it!

I’m assuming that you are working with younger kids, probably elementary or lower middle school right? One thing that I’ve done with my club kids (6-8) is that I teach a chunk of them basic maintenance on how to keep my loaner army of unresponsive’s nice and if they have down time in my class they just go through and check for knots, replace strings, lube bearing etc. They also will jump in during club to teach their classmates and take the load off me, which is nice.

I definitely still spend way more time being damage control than playing in club but that’s the role haha.