I’d venture the Outlier as one of the best Bi-Metals of late '18 early '19. I love that thing
The grandmaster is the one to beat for me. The astraea, and statement are great also but there’s just something about the grandmaster. I need to get myself an artemis, I can’t believe I missed it. I also want to try the raytracer and the new grasshopper. So many yoyos, so little time…
SF CF and 2Sick Grand-Master.
CF for shredding.
Grand-Master for chilling.
While it may been a 2018 release, the Edge Beyond been a highlight for me in 2019 so far as that’s when I actually began throwing it. I ordered it November 2018 along with a Confusion…at the time I was in a rut and was itching to explore something new, modern responsive took over until this month when I felt it was time to actually start playing my Edge Beyond.
Grasshopper GTX
The edge beyond was the best bi metal,my beyond!,sorry about that if you read my other post from earlier this morning all understand why I’m upset
gtx is guuuuuuud
The Akita for chill sesh (if counting late 2018)
GTX for performance, got mine yesterday and it absolutely crushes!
I thought the Akita was released in January?
Already said it but I took a nice photo to really hammer home how much I love it. No bs performance.
Akita, hands down.
Really, really loving mine. I wasn’t totally sold on it right away, but it grew and grew on me, and it’s steadily risen to one of my top 5 all time. Probably top 3
I thought Clyw did a prerelease early for Christmas?
I think the key ‘word’ there is “pre”, so not actually released yet!
Ya I think you’re both correct. They did some real limited release in December, but the official drop was January.
I’m bummed I missed that black bip bop (sp?) recently, but I guess I don’t need a second while people still haven’t been able to get one. Really hoping they put out more
Ya I would have to go with the akita. It is the only bi metal I have that was released in 2019, though. That being said it may be my favorite bimetal I own. Dont tell the hummingbird that.
Artemis, only 2019 bimetal I have played lol.
Too late. JK
Dang. I thought that would have taken longer. To be clear the hummingbird isnt going anywhere, ever.
Would you consider it worth the price?