Behind the back and legs Eli-Hop

I can’t find any tutorial on how to do a behind the back Eli-hop to through the legs Eli-hops. And anyone give me some tips? Trying not to ding my yo-yo and balls. lol.


the first one is kind of just normal eli hops you just start behind your back, like muscle memory is the exact same, jsut lower and more with you non throw hand

The 2nd one is actually zontal btb through the legs so i’d say really get your btb horizontal down first. (i can’t help with this one my btb zontal is bad)


Basically you need before to learn how to throw horizontal “inside”, is not the same throw as you do for your normal horizontal but it is in the opposite direction from outside to inside instead inside to outside.

Once you learn that, you start to do that throw behind the back, start easily doing trapeze, double trapeze and bind, than you start with eli hop both on your nth and th, done that you can start trying eli hop between your legs, it takes a bit to get used to it but is easier than you think.

As a first thing, learn how to control the yoyo in that position, as said is easier than you can imagine.

I leave you a tutorial here to learn the basics

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