Bearings keep going responsive

Fingers crossed for you! Ive had the same experience a few times, and typically the bearing seat has some gunk in it

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okay, ten minutes of play in, and no change to bearing responsiveness after wiping down the bearing seat/axle/hub with isopropyl alcohol. Not immediately conclusive, but this seems like a success so far.

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after some more testing, it was the lube. why. how. sure, i guess, lol

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final update: looks like lubricant in the bearing was bonding with gunk in the bearing seat, as @hsb predicted. Cleaning the bearing seat, adding a clean bearing, and putting in a drop of lube resulted in another semi-responsive response, but to a FAR lesser degree than before the bearing seat was cleaned. did another cleaning of the bearing seat and bearing to eliminate the lube i put in, and it plays perfect now


People: stop messing around with precision bearings!


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What do you advice? I am seriously interested, the only bearing I see that do not need anything are the DS and this one from Atmos, love those bearings but when they become responsive usually I used to do the bath in the zippo fluid and then high spin with the compressed air, also I do not use lubes at all, I would love to have them as unresponsive as possible.

Happy if there is a way to avoid all this, also because this method do not always work, sometimes after a little bit they get responsive again, I always had a love/hate relationship with bearings so I am open to every advice

usually lube will make bearings a bit responsive for a little bit, even if you are very very careful to not use very much. You can just play the yoyos like that for like 10-30 mins and then theyll be super quiet and smooth ime. It sounds like your issue was a combo of lube and gunk in the bearing seat. Glad to hear you got it all sorted out!

nah, in this case the lube was making it progressively more responsive over time, to the point the bearing wouldnā€™t even turn with a spin haha

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Iā€™m starting to have this problem too. when i can later Iā€™ll try the alcohol on the post cuz my new tasmanian tornados come later today. i was wondering, though, can the solvent itself go bad in any way if it isnt fresh or something so that when it evaporates it leaves crap behind? Iā€™m wondering if i need to grab more

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Solvents can become polluted, but only if you introduce things into them. Solvents dissolve and absorb things. So, if you dip a q-tip into your container of solvent, use said q-tip to wipe something down and then dip the dirty q-tip back into your containerā€¦ it will pollute your solvent. It would take a tremendous amount of this to ā€œruinā€ a container of any solvent. Beyond that, evaporation is the next biggest thing. This only results in the amount of your solvent dwindling away. Neither way should cause your solvent to stop working. Keep dirty items out of the bottle and keep the lid on tight and there should be no problems at all.

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interesting, ok tks. Iā€™ve been using 91% iso cuz thats what i had on hand. maybe itā€™s just the post issue but i donā€™t use lube so Iā€™m not sure how anything got in there. but day before yesterday i had a bearing spinning on the end of a puller for almost 30seconds, played with it 1 day and this morning Iā€™m down to about 5 seconds if im lucky and its responsive and snaggy when i play. this has happened several times. Iā€™ll give the ckeaning bearing seat method a try and hope that does the trick

edit: yall are jedi masters. i cleaned the bearing seats and there was definitely crud in it. i also didnā€™t think about the fact that this wasnā€™t originally my yoyo, i got it from bst so the fact that i didnā€™t use lube wasnā€™t the only factor. put a new tasmanian tornado in it and it spun all night last night!