Bearing seat damage

Is this yoyo still considered mint? Or is it NMTBS? Should you mention such damage from removing the bearing to a buyer?
What’s everyone’s thoughts about this?

If you think it has damage caused by removing the bearing you should notify the potential buyer to avoid misunderstandings. If the yoyo does not come like this from the factory it is NMTBS.


Its extremely common. The majority of yoyos made today have this happen to them. That ones actually not too bad.

Yeah, just let them know before selling just in case they are sensitive to this kind of stuff.


As a represenative of the uninformed: Could someone put the situation here into plain language. What are we looking at exactly?

close up picture of a bearing seat, the metal will slowly wear as you use a bearing tool to wiggle the bearings on or off, or if your bearing is so tight that it shaves down the posts (common with NSKs)

this is normal wear and will happen on literally any aluminum yoyo you screw and unscrew or perform maintenance on regularly, personally i expect this on every bst yoyo i buy unless it’s labeled as mint in box never thrown/unscrewed (and i also expect that it doesn’t affect performance/introduce vibe, if it does then you should absolutely be mentioning it)

if you are really worried about it you can use emory paper to very very lightly sand around the posts to get them to release bearings easier, but too much and you basically render your yoyo useless as it will have unusable vibe if the bearing fits too loose


Thanks for the insight.

He’s a few more photos for a better look but it’s pretty much what fradiger says by the look of it. Unavoidable damage due to maintenance of the bearing. Just what happens when you buy a yoyo to play with🤷🏼

As long as it doesn’t affect the smoothness in any way it’s mint or nmtbs.

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I disagree with this. Damage is damage and it can no longer be considered mint or even “near mint to be safe”. NMTBS to me means there is no detectable damage but there could be a chance. This is clear and obvious damage. There’s more than just damage to the post from wear and tear here, there’s damage to the wall of the bearing seat separating the bearing from the response as well. The damage is from improper removal of the bearing.


Does this cause Vibe? To me Mint and NMTBS means that its almost new and low play hours. Heavily played, maintained and several response changes should be noted. State any and all damge. Some peole state that its “never been taken apart” or “played only over carpet” , “shelf or case queen”. If you are selling the best you can do is be truthful and transparent about what you are selling. Sometimes there is nothing wrong with heavily played and pocketed old Throws.

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It often is, but the first cause is poor design and manufacturing.


Its a d bearing so I had to use pliers. I just wiggled gently and eventually it came out(normal procedure). As far as I know there is no other way to remove a d bearing.

there’s a few bearing tools out there that have a smaller end for D bearings

Do you think that would have avoided the damage?

to the damage that @yoyospirit mentioned on the wall of the bearing seat, probably

to the post, it really depends on the yoyo, if the bearing is too tight on the seat it’s prohibitively difficult to remove without wear on the post in some way

Thats silicone
I cleaned it and it looks like this

That “damage” is silicone.
Here I cleaned it off.

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I see that a used YoYo can’t be considered mint. Which makes sense. With all other objects it would be exactly the same. A hammer you hit a nail with is not mint no more. It my be a nice hammer still, but not mint.

What I don’t get, is that on a toy, that usually trough time and use will impact something(s) or gets “walked like a dog”, it is somehow seen as a great demise, that on a bearing seat, that itself barely measures one millimeter in every dimension, you can see a slight rub-off of a few microns? A specially, if the “proper” tool an method to remove said bearing is nothing more than a tube, with which you wiggle the bearing side to side!

I can see that no one want’s a Yo, that wobbles when thrown properly (Do you?), but the degree of scrutiny is astounding.

Maybe, it would be wise to bury the term “mint”, if not applied to a YoYo that is untouched, inside the original packaging.




Thanks, Dad-Doc.