I have a duncan butterfly xt that I use occasionally
I have changed the string once and have cleaned the bearing twice. No problem with that. But I’ve been using it a bit more these past few days. Today I’ve noticed it has been feeling a bit snappier than usual and it started to sieze up. Took it apart and looked at it.
It does have some surface stain/rust were the string makes contact with the outer bearing ring. But I’ve known that for a while. Ever since the first time I’ve cleaned it and it looks the same. So I know its not that. But when I looked into the inner part were the balls rest. It looked completely mat and slightly white and crusty. At first I thought one of my dog’s hairs got into the bearing because it has happened before. Although it never looked like that on any of my yoyos. When I placed the bearing and swirled it around in acetone I noticed that I didn’t hear the acetone react at all. When I opened the jar the bearing hat a slimy membrane that was slightly white and sticky. I took of as much as I could but there is still a fair bit on the bearing ball retainer and its still not spinning properly. Any advice on something that can help me get the remaining slime out. Also does any one have any idea what the slime is, im curious. Ps the oil i use on it is YYF long spin performance oil. Pss here is a picture of the bearing and a picture of the sediment in the acetone.
i use heat, some time like a lighter if it got stubborn oil that is stuck on it, but be careful.
Tbh I don’t think I can consider the slime oil the way it is right now. Its been a few minutes and a bit more of the slime came out. There still some left. I’m going to leave it soaking a bit more. If that don’t work. I will go up the chain of cleaning agents in my disposal. The strongest being Mr. Hobby Mr. Tool cleaner. If not ill use the torch style BBQ lighter I have in the morning.
Ok so I went from acetone to Japanese lacquer thinner.more specifically Mr. Hobby Mr. Color thinner. It did short work of the slime. Something I noticed. The bearing is now spinning better than ever and it is also way more audible, like only hearing the string rubbing against the Starburst to having a audible bearing rattle while spinning. My theory is that the white stuff was probably some sort of coating applied to the bearing.tl that unfortunately probably started to degrade since the first time I cleaned it in acetone. Wich I also find it odd it still got surface stains/rust. In any case problem solved but is anyone have any info about the coating please let me know.
my bet is that it was thick lube unlike thin oil to make it quiet and responsive.
heat it at 350 for 8-10 minutes. Clears everything up inside
I dont really follow what you are trying to say.
so some manufacturers ship the bearings with a thicker lube instead of the oil we generally use for unresponsive play. The stuff I’ve run into can be a similar consistency to vaseline so I’m thinking it was shipped with that.
I guess for a responsive yoyo it makes sense. But as stated previously I already had cleaned the bearing twice before with no problem.