Bartlesville or Tulsa Throwers

Hi all. Been lurking around for a couple months and just now got around to posting. I live in Bartlesville, Oklahoma and am looking for folks to yoyo with. I heard that there used to be a Duncan museum here in town but, it’s gone now. I’m in the Tulsa Juggling Club and several of us yoyo also. Just wondering if anyone here was in the Northeast Oklahoma area.


There is a gentleman in Tulsa by the name of Glenn Godsey that has been yoyoing for 40 or 50 years. he doesn’t get out much but I’m sure he’d like to meet all of you. There is also an older woman in the same town that throws too. I believe her name is Margaritt or something close to that. Other than that I took three of the central Oklahoma yoers to florida and left them there. There is a guy or two in enid, two or three in Lawton, one in Altus, one in Ada, One in Broken Arrow or Broken Bow whichever is south east Ok. There are two or three in the okc edmond area. Maybe a few more. If you can travel you might try to get a meet together in a central location. I held one there for years in OKC until I moved. I also ran the competitions there for a few years. Good to see yoyoing is growing there. Hope it continues.

Thanks. I’ll look into it.

i live in oklahoma city and looking for yoyoers also. not too many people throw in oklahoma

Yeah, I’m slowly getting more people in Tulsa into it. There’s a facebook page for a Tulsa yoyo group but, they never meet and have next to no activity on the page. I might just have to start my own group and do a bit of advertising to drum up some members.

I live in broken arrow…I would love to get involved with a yoyo group again…everything yoyo related has always been OKC

Anywhere to buy Yoyos around Tulsa ? Aa good toy or hobby store?