Axle problems

Ok my 888x axle was lost lol so I wanted to compare my wm to my 888x so I got the wm axle out so easily but when I placed it in the 888x it got stuck in the 888x and I can’t get it out.

ok second problem my genesis when I screw it it keeps screwing I mean It don’t get screwed If i stayed screwing it i would try till tomorrow and it won’t get screwd

ok, first of all that was really dumb to put a wm axle in an 888x, they are two different sizes. Try getting it out with an allen key; the axle will still be stripped most likely.

That wasn’t very nice (at the beginning).

But yes, they are two different sizes. Not the greatest idea ever. If you can’t get an allen wrench to work then what you can do is put two nuts (of the correct size) on the axle and tighten them hard towards ach other. This will lock them in place so that you can grab them both and unscrew the whole thing.

As for the Genesis, you stripped the threads, either on the axle or the yoyo itself. There are many topics on stripped threads that you can find with a quick search.

If I used maybe a bit longer axle and the diameter of the axle is a hair smaller and the colour of the axle is silver could it work?

Could the dm axle fiit seems that axle is long?

Ok let me straiten this out.

Axles are Set screws. You can buy them for less then 50 cents at any hardware store, any place on the planet. Even if you have a crappy little one in your town. They will have set screws on hand.

Next thing you should do when you lose the set screw is call(email what ever) what ever company produced the yoyo, ask them what size set screw.
Wright it down, take what ever your wrote it on to the hardware store. Show one of the workers the numbers and explain it is a set screw size.
Walk with the person to the set screw section take the one you need, buy it with less then two quarters.
Put it in your yoyo and have fun. Take your yoyo halfs with you to the store and make sure it fits and works right when you get it.
Future referance never switch axles from anything to anything. Just buy new ones. If you don’t have the money remember that soda cans and water bottles are worth money, find some return them buy your set screw(axle). :slight_smile:

Instead of calling a company for a question such as axle size, or emailing them for that matter, look on this page. Helps with any axle for ALMOST any company. Common Yoyo Axle Sizes

EDIT - jhb8426: We have that same info here.