Atmos Projects presents: the Noma

@Creepy_Coder we’re still working on this at the moment. we’ll announce this and other important details real soon - here, and on our instagram pages. thank you (or your friend… :slight_smile: ) for your interest!

@Lukoyo hey! i haven’t had that problem with the prototypes that i’ve been testing. the brass and AL ones have been similar in fit. have you found them to be tight only with the brass ones?

@vinniekowalski they sure are! sweet and super juicy. they’re coming real soon - we’re hoping first or second week of Feb :slight_smile: thank you!


Yeah, I found that it was tight only on my brass MM and spikes. Maybe I just crank them too tight but I must use the same amount of torque on my Al SE’s.

Hey everyone! Just wanted to check in real quick. We’re preparing for the Pomelo drop, and are working towards somewhen late next week. Colorways, close ups and other details real soon.

Also, together with the Pomelos, we’ll be putting up a tiny amount of Oatmilk Cloudberries for those that missed them by a hair the first time around. It’ll be the last time we’re running Cloudberries in this colorway, so if you were hoping to snag one, this is your chance.

More soon! : )


Nate just posted his review of the Pomelo, and it was such a fun watch for us. If you wanted a third-person perspective on it, check it out : )


Looking forward to trying puh·meh·low :slight_smile:

I think I want to eat one too. Anyone ever try one?

I have! It’s kind of a common fruit where I come from : ) It’s really nice. Kinda sweet as far as citrus fruits go, super juicy as well. Pairs incredibly with mango as a dessert : )

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They’re my favorite. Hard to come by in Arizona unfortunately. Take some time to eat it. Keep a damp towel handy.


After a bit of a wait sorting things out on the backend, we’re finally all set to let the Pomelos loose.

The Pomelos come in two tones that might be familiar, Cherry Peach and the coveted Oatmilk, as well as two new colorways in Matcha and Blue Sky.

Colorway- and blast-wise, I think this is the happiest I’ve been with any of our batches. We’ve been testing and working on different blasts for quite a while and I think this is the exact finish we will be sticking with for a long time to come. If you didn’t manage to catch Nate’s review of the blast finish, it should still be clear in these pictures – it’s incredibly velvety and smooth. It’s a rich, creamy matte that really casts our colorways in the tones we imagined from the beginning.

More information about this drop is now available on our Instagram account, @atmos.projects. As always, if you have any questions or clarifications, shoot me a PM and I’ll take care of you.


the colors on that group photo look so good!


This is lovely!!


@EOS44 @MarkD feeling the team Mk1 love : ) thanks Erick and Mark!

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These are some nice colors for sure!


Those colors look almost too nice for a Pomelo… Where’s that gross yellow/green color I see at the grocery store? :joy:


When’s the bape halfswap :smiley:


your photo game is stellar.
Can’t wait to get my cherry peach pomelo!

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Now that’s a good idea!


I really like the look of the Pomelo. The cup thickness looks very thin and I love the chalky finish.

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So excited for this drop. Also the cherry and oatmilk would look so good as a half swap


thanks everyone for your kind words! : ) i’m having fun myself with halfswaps. the matte pastels are quite compatible so there are a few combinations that are quite attractive. personal favourite is Oatmilk-Matcha. the green really came out special in my opinion. really excited to put these guys in your hands and hear your thoughts!

@YoYoExpertGarrett i’ll work on that one just for ya :wink:


I just want them all🥺