Atmos Projects presents: the Hamr

Maybe I’m a one-off … but my response on my new cloudberry is not great at all. It’s not binding as expected and slipping A LOT, even when I aggressively try to bind it.

Anyone experienced this? Any recommendations on response pads to replace the ones that came with it?

The yoyo itself is beautiful and the feel in-hand is great … but, the response issues are a bit of a downer.



Hey Dale, thanks for reaching out! I’m sorry to hear about the slippy binds. The silicone the pads are made of are of a harder rating, which means they will last longer, but they might also take a short while to break in and get grippy. In my personal experience they do become tight and snappy after some play, and also if you use fat string (like the one included in packaging), which it was designed to be paired with. Please let me know if it’s still slippy after some more time! I’ll make sure it’s taken care of.


Thanks @rnsy … I’ll throw it some more and see if it adapts.

I’ll message you at some point if it doesn’t correct itself … thanks for the quick reply. :slight_smile:


Had the same problem with mine at the beginning but after throwing it some more it binded perfectly and snappy. It returns now with ease! Try to break it in some more or just do a ton of binds haha. It’s a great throw and grinds forever if I may add.


Haven’t had that issue.
Mine binds on command with a perfect and tight wind.

But I am still a frequent user of dif pads from throwing my silver lily. So I might not be the best judge.

Have you tried a different string?

You could always just switch to flowable or your preferred pads.


It’s crazy because the response is literally one of the things that I felt was most remarkable about this yoyo, and I’m really picky about response. That’s where I think some modern throws show opportunity for improvement. For example, my BansheeSS and TiShee both were slippy at low speed binds, but a flowable silicone job cleaned that right up. Same with my Memento (first run and they even changed the gap on the second run as that wasn’t apparently just my feel on that one). Cloudberry right out of the box was hitting low speed Guy Wright binds which are normally a test for me. There have been a couple sky binds that haven’t caught, but overall the response on mine feels perf. I was using the string that was in it and then went to kitty fat when that wore out so not sure if a tighter string or maybe nylon would cause a difference from what I’m seeing. Hope it works out for those having issues I just love mine!


After throwing it a bunch today, the response is much better! Thanks for the feedback folks!


Not a one-off - I’ve had this problem with many yoyos, including my own prototypes, and the cloudberry, too. Usually gets better with play as the hard surface of the pads break in, or if that doesn’t happen, I swap pads. On the cloudberry I’m just playing through it.


I just use a slightly thicker string if I feel a yoyo’s response is not to my liking. I never switch pads. Kitty XL and Kitty Fat are my go-to strings for slippy issues. I even glue them to the bottom of my shoes when it gets icey out.


Wise man. I have even seen truckers use them on their tires in lieu of chains for traversing mountain passes covered in snow.


i’ve been getting my cloudberry in the mix here… i happened to have an onslaught of trades over the past couple weeks, so i have a few things piling up :sweat_smile:

it is a very beautiful and well thought out design. i really like seeing an igr on the modern organic shapes, and the cloudberry does it well. i’ve had no issues with binds, and i’ve been playing narrower strings lately… i’m looking forward to playing this more :grin::grin:


@dfederighi Awesome! Glad the response is feeling better today : ) Thank you @moefv @Christianmckz @bobafret and @MarkD for chiming in with help! : )

Can’t wait to hear more from you @fatguysnacks247 :wink:


I will say, after breaking in the pads, this is easily my favorite throw right now. I love the weight and feel and spin times are fantastic. I wanted to pick up another, but they’re sold out. I hear there’s another release, but I’m surprised how well this yoyo stacks up! Good stuff. :slight_smile:


well done @rnsy!! great throw…


It’s a damn good throw. Compares well to other organic favorites (MC, Life), but adds a bit of width so it doesn’t feel too much the same. The blast finish and colors are fantastic, such a smooth grind. Bind is predictable. Very comfortable to catch. I can’t think of anything I’d improve. Even the packaging felt more thought out than the standard white cardboard box. Great work, @rnsy!


wow! :smile: thank you @dfederighi @fatguysnacks247 and @jeremy for your kind words. reading this made my day. i’m so glad you’re enjoying the Cloudberry!

we’ve been working on a small batch of new colorways with some minor quality of life changes at the moment. we just got some tests back, and we won’t say too much now – but we think you’re going to like what we have in store : ) things should be ready around end Nov or so!


I’ve been hearing good things about the Cloudberry. Lots of people comparing it to the Grail, Life and Markmont Classic, which are some of my favourite organics. Can anybody compare them specifically? I am thinking of picking one up on the coming drop.


It’s fantastic.
It’s different than both my MO and Life.

Has a fuller rounder feel in the hand to me than either of the others.

I plan on getting another cloudberry.


this question is probably more for everyone else haha. but my personal feel is that it is more stable than the Grail, but it doesn’t feel more dense/solid – if that makes sense? it’s not very intensely rim weighted, but it has quite a wide profile, which retains the soft quality of its playfeel – i sometimes think it has a bit of 420 in it, at least in the way it moves in the air and regens.

again, this is just my personal take, and you should definitely take it more from others.


Hello @rnsy. Forgive me if I missed the communication … any plans for a second run of cloudberry?

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