Ok how about Plastic Ari or Plastic Khuno
Is it bad i only just realized atmos “sphere” atmosphere. im just a tad slow.
Yeah that’s what I think it is too
Yes, I am/was fully aware that name had already been used by Yoyojam lol.
That is ‘why’ I put a ‘dash’ between Atmo and Sphere.
I was directly associated with Yoyojam for well over 15 years. I pretty much know most Yoyojam product names🥸
I just figured I’d throw that in as another random guess like most of the other names that have been suggested.
Have you heard of this obscure yoyo called the Dark Magic??
I did not even see that you suggested it to be honest.
Sorry… I have not heard of that obscure yo-yo.
I haven’t heard of the Dark Magic 2 either.
Trying to think of a way to reverse psychology you into saying there’s a 3 coming.
Interesting you say that… Because I have a dark magic seven. But I missed the three four five and six.
Probably just wasn’t paying attention… Sorry… My bad
sounds like its going to have some icey treat name
but am gonna go with Polastic
Going back to the original opera reference of “aria,” I’m going to guess “continuo” since this is a further continuation of that series.
Yes I did find that by googling “opera terms,” I am not sophisticated.
So… what’s the name? I’m guessing non of us got it
@Shwa This is an instalment in the Weatherman Line Although we have a LOT coming up in the Canopy side of the building
I’d definitely keep my eyes peeled for those. One of the most exciting projects we’ve ever worked on.
@Captrogers No one’s gotten it just yet but many guesses have come really, really close. On the right track for sure!
Atmos Arid
Ok I’m done now haha
If it is that close then the hint I think it has to start with A, these might be final guesses of mine lol:
- Aeolus
- Anemoi
- Aquilo/n
gonna hedge my bets here and sort my guesses into categories haha
firstly astronomy, stars and such
- Antares, rival to ares (ari?) plus sounds a lot like atmos naming conventions
- Sirius, another bright star the same vein as Polaris
- Pleiades, Vega, Rigel (least likely doesn’t quite roll of the tongue)
mythology in the line of Khuno as a storm god
- Andromeda
- Astraea / Asteria
- Arcturus
- Alcyone, Alcmene, Ariadne
musical terms because y’know, Aria
- Crescendo / Diminuendo
- Adagio
- Allegro
- Andante
- Alto
weather terms as this is a yoyo coming from the Weatherman line
- Albedo
- Altocumulus
- Ablation
- Azimuth
- Arctic
- Australis
heck of a spitball there my apologies
Anemo(s) -wind
Anemoi - Greek wind gods
I don’t think it would be Helios because I don’t get sun vibes but maybe
Maybe it’s Aeolus and has a neat odyssey reference also wind ruler
Speaking of Aeolus if not the ruler of wind maybe it’s one of the Greek wind gods -
Boreas (North)
Zephyrus (West)
Notus (South)
Eurus (East)
All that to say I get a wind vibe from this design and it ties into Ari - being storm related
Just let me say as a Greek that I am amazed by the amount of Greek words you guys know!