Atmos Projects presents: the Hamr

Got mine. The mini spikes are where it’s at.

Love the look.


Wow, with the SE flush like that they get a whole new look! Now I’m even more excited to get mine in the mail.


How’s it play? Looks awesome!


Incredible look.


My pomodoro isnt even here yet and I already wanna order tshirts from your store. Paying the shipping twice definitely sucks though, maybe next time the merch drops alongside the yoyo?


Plays amazing. So comfortable.


Brilliant! We haven’t tried them with Spikes yet but this looks so incredible.

Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts as they come into your hands + see all the SE variations you’re trying : )

@Upmanyu The shirts weren’t ready during the Pomodoro release, but they were released alongside the Aris this weekend. Hear you about the shipping though - we’re working on a possible complimentary shipping window soon :slight_smile: keep an eye out!


I’ll go first! Exceptional!!

I’m one of the lucky few to be able to compare one of the protos and I have to say, all the right changes were made. I love the thicker walls, rims and it added just the right amount of weight. It’s soooo comfortable in the hand and the finish is one of the softest that I’ve experienced. Palm grinds are not something I have practiced until now! I love it and have pulled off a few palm DNA’s! Haha.

Pomodoro is a chopstick master as it’s doesn’t care one bit when you bump into it. Regens are a delight and it just has the right amount of float. Not too much as it’s very present on the string and oooooo sooooo controllable. Stays on plain, goes where you tell it and geeze…. spins forever!

Cherry Peach is so beautiful and is just the right tint to blend in with all this Halloween getup. :jack_o_lantern:

I really like the size too as it’s a little more mainline at 45x55. Just over 66g. No need to swap SE as it just fits! Pomodoro is glass smooth so I’m going to see how long I can go without separating the halves.

Congratulations @rnsy, you have another masterpiece.


Much appreciated @Shwa - loved reading this. Always value your thoughts!


Since we received a considerable number of requests here, and in our DMs -

We’re running a week-long window of complimentary international shipping, from Wednesday, 18th October, 8pm EST, to Wednesday, 25th October, 8pm EST. Applies to all orders over $35.

Come through : )


:frowning: I should of waited I already ordered my shirts and got my pomodoro

Mine showed up today. :grin:

I threw on a Zipline Ep 20/20 and gave it a good 30min run-through. Then after work I swapped out the SE’s for a pair of black ones I had on hand and tossed the concave bearing in favor of a Pixel. Man. Love this thing.

I also tried it out with a Project44, but it definitely prefers Zipline Accel. For me, at least, the Pomodoro is perfect with that string. Binds are snappy but not unexpected, accentuating the chill style of the yoyo. @rnsy, you guys knocked it outta the park with this one. Plays great, feels great, and looks like a work of art. :+1:


I have received my Cherry/Peach Pomodoro. I changed the clear ultra lights to yellow ones. The Pomodoro has qualities of the Gravity, MMC, and Koi… a bit of DownBeat too. I enjoy this throws finish silky smooth. The color is beautiful and unique not orange not red? The play is so smooth. So happy to have one thank you good yo-yo people at Atmos.

Have a great rest of the week.


You guys are based in Singapore ?


@mrJames @POspot Thank you! I shared this with the team, and it really made their day. So glad to hear this. Really loving that Black / Safari and Iron Man-esque combo too : )

@skeevs Yes sir, we’re based in Singapore but we ship nearly everywhere! Packages tend to come in 7-10 days from point of shipping.


got my pomodoro and its fantastic!! Had to try all my SE’s with it and the UL’s were the winners - love the finish being like how the first run stormberries were its :fire:

Also stoked for more people to get Ari’s still my #1 tbh with the spikes


I’m a newbie and not especially qualified to review yoyos, however… The Pomodoro is fantastic. I am surprised by how stable it is. The finish is beautiful, too. I’ve got a cherry peach and sorta regret not also buying a clear.


Nice, fellow neighbor here from M’sia, based and living in Aussie now :v:

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I love Ari although I’ve got the scorched earth version. It’s a fairly rough surface on the rims and in the cup (catch zone is smooth). The raw version is calling my name so hard but I’m so far out of yo-yo budget this month, my better half would send me walking! Haha. :flushed:

If anyone wants the scorched earth I’ll give you a good price. :+1:

Here’s a quick nod to Aria as well. She’s another player. Never letting that one go.



When you say your better half will let you go walking, do you mean to let you walk to the Post Office to pick up your new yoyo? :thinking:

Agree on the Aria