Atmos Projects presents: the Hamr

The Aria, alongside a new batch of Spoil Grades, will be made available real soon.

Full details on the Aria release, alongside other important December updates, is available at our blog, 012, here.

Thanks everyone! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s anything we can help with.


It’s the end of a chapter.

At the turn of the year, we’ll be leaving London and moving back home to Singapore.

We wrote a little something on our blog post, 013, including reflections, highlights of the year, as well as a primer what you can expect from us in the next season, and what we’ve got brewing in the background.

Some important dates and shipping information as well.

Full spread on our blog, but here’s a sneak peek:

Thank you everyone for an amazing 2022. It’s been a crazy ride, and we’re grateful we got to spend it in such a wonderful part of the world.

We appreciate you being such an important part of our journey. We’re so excited for what’s to come.


Team Atmos


Thank you for a wonderful 2022! It’s been so much fun following your team through the whole process. Very excited to see what 2023 will bring! Best of luck with the move and happy holidays!

Is that a Ti Noah or a polished raw that I missed??


Looks like something new to me! Too shallow to be the noah?


If it’s a Ti Noah the side effect post could’ve been shortened to reduce center weight. Might also be a revisited Gravity or something entirely new like you said!


Slightly late, but yes - it’s something entirely new :slight_smile:

Here’s a sneak peek from Coleman:


Hey, everyone.

Here’s a brief update on what’s been happening with us here at Atmos Projects — including free shipping, all week, starting tomorrow:

New jojos real soon, promise. Sneak peak at the jump. Come through.


Team Atmos


i really cant wait to see more of that flush SE model!


More on that one soon :slight_smile:


Here’s a sneak peek for a new line of throws we’ve got brewing.

Some new, some old coming next week.

Watch this space.


It’s been a while since we’ve made a batch of our original organic designs.

We’ll be bringing back the Cloudberry, Goji, and Abel in the Moonrock finish.

The Thunderberry will also be making a return in Moonrock, soon. We’re hoping they’ll be ready in a couple of weeks.

You’ve probably heard of Moonrock — but in the off chance you haven’t, it’s a velvety, ceramic-like finish. it’s a creamy-smooth matte that feels amazing to the touch, and has become one of our house favourites.

These came out great.

*The Thunderberry is a variant of the Cloudberry that is a smidge heavier and wider. we recommend going for it if you prefer a bit more presence, or the original if you lean towards a lighter, airier feel. More details here.

Oh, and — one of these prototypes will be up for grabs.

More at the jump,


Have you seen this issue with the moonrock coating?

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Hi there! Yes, we’ve been aware. The bearing post breaking seems to us more a matter of material failure, while the Moonrock coating wearing off the bearing post seems a matter of regular wear and tear, which also occurs in normally anodised bearing posts – the difference perhaps being that it may just happen sooner.

That said, we’ve checked a significant sample of the Moonrock bearing posts as part of our QC process, and they look good. Moreover, the fit between bearing and post on our designs are secure, but not death-grip-level, so with regular use and care they should be good to go. As with any design, gentle disassembly and assembly is recommended, and goes a long way.

And of course, in the off chance issues still persist, we’ll be here to take care of it.

Hope that helps!


Hey, everyone. How’s it going?

We’ve been working on a small batch of White Snowberries, and they’re finally fresh out the oven. The Snowberry was a bright spot for us in 2022 — one of our favourite designs to emerge from the year.

If you’ve not yet heard of the Snowberry, it’s a ball of pure, fluffy fun.

We wrote some stuff here on our design process in developing the Snowberry, if you like that sort of thing.

More about all that at the jump,

But the exciting wrinkle to this drop is that for the first time, a portion of the Snowberries will also be available at Yoyoexpert in the coming weeks :slight_smile:

We’re excited for new things ahead!


Hey, everyone.

We’re getting ready for a new batch of Thunderberries, and a small restock of Gojis, both in the Moonrock colorway.

More about all that at the jump,

The Thunderberry is a variant of our pilot design, the Cloudberry. It’s a touch heavier and wider, which gives it a bit more presence and oomph compared to the Cloudberry. We very rarely make runs of the Thunderberry, so we’re excited to run this one back.

In case you missed it — a couple months ago we made some of the most comfortable, fluffy hoodies for our team and they’re pretty much what we’ve lived in since. It feels like wearing a cloud that keeps you snug and toasty.

Then we posted a quick heatcheck last week on these Atmos hoodies and were blown away by your response. So — they’re going into production sometime this week, and we’re super excited to bring these to you soon.

If you’d like to grab one, let us know your sizing in the comments below so we get an accurate and fair spread for everyone. They’re slightly oversized but your regular hoodie/sweater size should do. We’ll also just pick one commenter to send one to as our way of saying thanks for being awesome and sticking around.

That’s all from us at the moment, but we’ve got lots coming in the next few weeks. Stay tuned.


Team Atmos


Wow! The moonrock finish looks great on the Thunderberries and Gojis. And the hoodie looks fantastic! I definitely need to pick one up in the future :grin:


After having been quiet for the past half-year, we’re just about to kickstart a season of new releases. While this post has been a long time coming, we’re on the cusp of something fresh, and this feels like the right time to put this out in the world.

One goal we’ve had for 2023 was in streamlining our models into clear and distinct design categories. Since our start in 2020, a unified design philosophy has always been a bedrock of our process — for one, Atmos Projects began as a design experiment in performance-focused organics.

But as the team has grown over the years, our horizons and focuses have been due for an update, too.

For clarity, we’ve silently had two “lines” all this while — the Fruitbowl Line, a catchall for our organic designs; and the Weatherman Line, initially intended as a label for our customisable, tinker-friendly models. But as we crafted designs that didn’t fit within these boundaries, we reduced the use of these labels, even internally.

But clarity on our design ethos doesn’t just help us keep the path; it helps you, our community, understand and hone in on what of our offerings suit you best.

So here it is, a label refresh — Atmos Project’s four design lines as of 2023.

Full read here,


Team Atmos


We’re excited to share that our Soft Hoodies have landed, and have just gone up on our site.

These sweatshirts are pure comfort. It’s like wearing a warm cloud that keeps you snug and toasty. You’ll never want to get out of these. They’re thick, fleece-lined, 100% cotton, and come in a slightly oversized and boxy fit.

We’ve also catered for sizes based on all of your responses, and we’re confident we’ve gotten a good distribution of sizes for everyone.

Come through.


Team Atmos


Hey, everyone. After months of teasing, we’re thrilled to finally present the Cephas.

Dia 54.3mm
Width 48.4mm
Weight 65.2g
Material 6061 AL

In case you’ve missed it, we wrote a bit about our Design Lines as of 2023 — in short, they represent different design pursuits in what we do here at Atmos Projects.

To that point, the Cephas is the newest installment to the Classic O’s line, which collectively focuses on minimalist organics, and is the latest iteration of the Noah and Abel.

Most immediately, the Cephas takes inspiration from forebears that share its flat capped visage. The foremost of the group is likely the SPYY Pure, which was released in 2009; the genre is also populated by others such as the Turning Point Bacchus, Core Co. Diesis, and most recently, the Duncan Freebird 3. The SPYY Pure in particular holds sway in the conversation for its unique manufacturing processes. As far as we know, the hub and the cap were separately machined, assembled, and then further machined on the lathe to render the already microscopic gap between the individual pieces invisible. This gave the Pure — very aptly named, we think — an iconic uninterrupted, solid-piece look.

The designs of the Bacchus, Diesis and Freebird 3, on the other hand, emphasize the point of assembly, rather than hide it. The “rims”, which encroach on the main body, somewhat resemble the Yoyojam-era of hybrids, or even how modern outer-rim bimetal rims look like.

Our intent with the Cephas was to recreate this former sense of purity and minimalism within our organic form factor.

In the prior designs mentioned, none featured a strictly organic silhouette – their inner walls feature straight lines extending towards the rims, even if the outer hubs eventually rounded off. Where the flat caps provided a simple, austere look, the side profiles were slightly busier, with harder lines and faux rims.

We were compelled by the notion of an extremely round, organic model combined with the simplicity of a flat cap feature, with no visual hints at joinery, or discontinuation between body and rims – the Cephas thus builds on the Noah and Abel’s physique, which features clean lines and round, uninterrupted curves, and the integration of its capped design gives it a monolithic, solid feel.

But beyond mere visual difference, a thicker, more powerful, hollowed-body version of the Noah and Abel was, to us, an interesting marriage of different design concepts.

The cap conceals the hub, the primary site where we overhauled the base weight distributions of previous designs. To begin, we carved out mass from the center portion of the hub, giving it a cavernous hollowed-out body, and also to allow for a disproportionate concentration of mass closer to the rims.

The Cephas weighs in at 65.2g, which is the heaviest of the Classic O’s line — the Abel clocks only 63.2g, and the Noah an even lighter 62.3g. A majority of this additional mass lies in the caps, which actually weigh 8g each — that’s about a quarter of its overall weight in the caps alone.

The effect of this adjustment is obvious – where there was nearly zero bias towards rim weight in the Noah and the Abel, this new weight distribution makes the Cephas the longest spinning and most stable installment of the Classic O’s.

This is assisted by a familiar schmoove-groove, which is less pronounced than those in the Fruitbowl Line. We made minor tweaks in the Cephas’ schmoove-groove for an even smoother play experience.

It still feels bubbly and extremely comfortable in hand, and features a familiar relaxed, agile playfeel, but it also has a steadier, more even presence compared to its two brothers.

The Cephas sits in a lineup of featherweight organics characterized by light, floaty playfeel – and it distinguishes itself in that company by its solid, grounded presence.

To that end, the name Cephas – etymologically connected to “Peter”, both of them loosely translating to “rock” – playfully overstates that relative heft. Where “Noah” gestured towards “rest”, and “Abel” towards “breath”, the name Cephas is a reference to its relative stability and solidity.

For those more literally inclined, don’t fret – it doesn’t actually play like a stone on the end of a string.

The Cephas joins the Classic O’s as a perfect everyday throw, best suited for relaxed, flowing play, and provides enough power and stability for uncompromised hours of pure fun.


The Cephas comes kitted with Atmos Stratos Pads for the tastiest binds, Zipline String’s CS 50 blends for unparalleled comfort in play experience, and our new Atmos Type II Concaves, which we debuted in our recent Moonrock drops. We think they’re even smoother and better than our Type Is, and should be made available soon.


Thank you for getting to the end of this writeup! We’d love to hear your thoughts, questions, or any reactions at all.


Team Atmos


Looks pretty awesome!

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