Atmos Projects presents: the Hamr

Mine too is surprisingly smooth. I wasn’t really expecting that with this cap construction. that had to be difficult.

My bearing however needs cleaning.

Realizing too why I love side effects so much…. The bearing seat on fruitloop it’s tighter than the rest of the Atmos family.


Solved the bearing noise amplifier.


Really?? Is it that noisy and vibey?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No. I’m mostly screwing with the complaint above and it amused me.

I bought two, one pink and one sky blue. The sky blue bearing wasn’t as noisy by default but pink was louder (without being cleaned or lubed) and the cavity on the side of the fruit loop could perhaps make it a bit louder… but I didn’t test it thoroughly.

Short version, clean and lube your bearing for a smooth quiet ride.


Hey @yoyojoe ! By virtue of the press-fit cap design the Fruitloop can be slightly more susceptible to vibe than other models, but anything past a threshold of smoothness we would’ve filtered it as an imperfect piece. We test every single piece multiple times during QC for imperfections – with cross-checking – before they make it to the A-Grade pool, but it’s entirely possible we might’ve let one slip through. Have just sent you a DM – we want to take care of this.

@Shwa With regards to loud bearings – it’s also something we test for. We replace all cranky bearings with smooth ones before they go out. But bearings can sometimes get loud some with some play after the fact, and that’s something difficult to control for. Usually washing the bearing does solve the issue, but all the same we’d love to take care of it and send some replacement bearings your way.


Thanks! I’m used to the bearing game. I should have mentioned that the cleaning worked just fine. No more work that any other that needed cleaning before.

Fruitloop for breakfast!! Good morning, all.


Gojis are returning for a sophomore run in a couple of brand new colorways.

Here’s introducing


a favourite in Kanagawa Wave,

Mars Bars, and

Space Jam.

The Goji is an easygoing, pliable organic that adapts the signature playfeel of the Cloudberry in a comfortable and fluffy 52.5mm frame.

If you’re in the game for a quick and agile organic to hop and bop to, the Goji’s a wonderful jamming companion.

Read more about it here.

This batch of Gojis come with upgraded kit in our Type I Concave Bearings, Atmos x RSO Saturn Pads, and the best string in Zipline’s wonderful CS50s blend.

Gojis in these colorways are a one-off and will not be repeated again.

More information at our IG, @atmos.projects.

If you have any questions or thoughts, please reach out in the comments or DMs – we’d love to be of help!


those colorways are amazing :open_mouth: !!! they’re so beautiful i think im going to cry :smiling_face_with_tear:


Pretty nice! Any chance of another run of Cloud/Thunderberries or Noahs?

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@yoyogeek1 Thank you so much!

@Ed-C Much appreciated! No plans for Cloudberries and Thunderberries at the moment, but yes on the Noahs :slight_smile:


Oh! Do we have an eta and do you know if they will come in solids?


It depends on some supply chain factors, but I’d say probably in a month or two : ) non solids this time!


Thanks! I’ll keep an eye out!

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Kanagawa wave and Celeste look really lovely, sound colour decisions as always but send my praise to whoever worked on these, they did a knockout job.

Thinking about it, a lot of your colour choices would make good colours for glasses frames. I’d wear a celeste coloured frame.


So glad you like them! I agree entirely, the Celestes came out beautiful.


Is the finish on these similar to the first run of Gojis, or closer to the finish on more recent yoyos like Noah/Fruitloop?

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Closer to first run of Gojis, which is the same blast we’ve applied on the Stormberry, Cloudberry, etc as well.

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I have to say that I love the finish on all the Atmos throws. The initial drops, cloudberry and the like are so soft to the touch. The Noah and Fruitloop, once broken in, are next level nice. Maybe it’s my dry hands but I feel like they “condition” my skin. :slight_smile:

So nice in hand!!


Appreciate that very much Joshua! We like the soft, dusty ones on the Cloud/Thunder/Stormberries and Khunos, but we think the ones on the Noah have potential to be something else entirely. Something about it makes it feel like clay that’s just special. Unfortunately some players experience quicker string wear on them – we’re invested in getting them in a perfect sweet spot.

Which would you say you prefer overall? :slight_smile:

also @ anyone else who has a thought or preference on our blasts : )


As I mentioned, I love both!! If I had to choose, I’d go with the ladder clay like feel.

I didn’t have string issue as some had but I did indeed take to the denim first. For me, that initial “prep” before the first throw built some nice anticipation. And you get to appreciate the inners first too.

Keep up the magnificent work!