Atmos Projects presents: the Hamr

I’m excited about this release. The specs look good and the addition of side effects is always a plus.

I’d like to see what it looks like next to a Pomelo!


I have a question. Not a complaint. Names don’t mean much to me anyway…

But I was just reading about the Omnicron ‘Noah’. Kinda spendy but looks interesting.

Then… I see your slick looking new offering…. ‘The Noah’.

Any thoughts on who decided on that name first?

Obviously, there won’t be any real mistaking one for the other. One is an Organic mono metal at a pretty reasonable price point. And the other is more of a V-ish shape bimetal(60601 body with Titanium rims) and a more higher price point.

Just curious.

BTW… both of these Noah yo-yos looks well thought out.

What’s in a name, right? Lol


This looks sick!!!

I’m also super stoked for any side effect yo-yos especially since somehow my goji got stripped

(still working on seeing how to repair hopefully get word on that soon!)

As everyone else probably is excited to see price and color options

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Hey Doc! I really appreciate this thought. Names do mean a lot to us. We were set on Noah as a name for a long time, since it was one of a few things that helped birthed the concept in the first place. When C3 announced the Omnitron Noah we were a little bit nervous, but we felt the name was too tied into its process to replace without feeling we’d lose something essential.

Hard to tell who thought about it first, but C3 did announce it before us and we wanted to do things right, so we reached out to check in if they felt comfortable with us using the name – they were very kind about it and gave us their blessings.

You’re right they’re hardly similar yoyos beyond the name so there’s not much confusion to be had there : ) Distinct roses, equally sweet, I’m sure!


@Lukoyo Thank you! I’ve got to get a comparison photo up.

@Xinck Appreciate that! Colorways to come soon : ) Let me see what I can do about that Goji.


Reading them is also very nice!
The Noah looks great! Is it 6061? Also these ship from the UK at the moment?

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Appreciate that Upmanyu! The Noah is made from 7068 AL, and yes they’re shipped from London : )


I read somewhere, maybe IG, that a number of the next releases are going to be side effect, ya? If so…
This makes me very happy.

Noah looks beautiful and I can’t wait.


Yes! We have eight prototypes running at the moment; six of them are in iterations that are SE enabled :slight_smile: Thank you so much!


Noah release update, and what’s coming next –

The Noahs were slated for release mid-December, but it seems the universe has other plans. Important components that come with the Noahs are delayed and it looks like they’ll take longer than we first expected. We’re working hard on resolving the issue, and we will only release them when they’re perfect and fully ready to go.

I understand this might be a bit deflating — we’ve received a lot of love from you guys over the Noah, and we’re excited to bring them to you when they’re all set.

We are still determined to bring you something before we wrap this crazy year up. It involved a bit of reshuffling our release pipeline, but the more we think about it, the more it feels there’s no better time than to share this with you. It’s a project that we’re incredibly proud of, and a bit of a callback to our earlier days.

Here’s a sneak peak on what’s coming next.


This design release was intended for the beginning of 2022, as an intermission to what we’re building in the Weatherman Line, but here we are. Our final release of 2021, and – at least for us – a nostalgic callback to where we began.

This is the Stormberry.


dia 56.4mm
wid 48.9mm
weight 63.9g
material 7068 AL / SS

Our first design, the Cloudberry, was designed in early 2020 to be our dream organic. A nice, comfortable, and even fat profile that played light yet powerful, so it could stand up to the rigours of modern play whilst retaining its organic soul. The Thunderberry was released later as a heavier variant that sported a bit more torque and heft, and departed slightly from its lighter, floatier origins. Now, the Stormberry – the third and possibly final installation of the Berries – takes another step towards that design aspiration of light power.

We’ve been working on the Stormberry since late 2020, and just about a year on, we’re happy to finally share this with you.

There is considerable weight behind the opinion that a bimetal construction defeats the purpose of an organic. From a purist’s perspective, I can understand that view, as organics generally embody a type of play that doesn’t necessarily emphasise spin power, stability, or clinical precision – and leans towards, perhaps, what some might find the more artistic, rhythmic, or experimental. The A-RT Grail, One Drop Markmont Classic, and CLYW Peak are amongst many other of these classical organics that I feel embody that purism. In my opinion, our yet-unreleased design, the Noah, would find its place amongst these.

That purism isn’t something we’re attempting to dispute – with the Stormberry, we just pulled on a thread of inspiration and we really enjoyed where we ended up with that.

The original Cloudberry playfeel was actually partially inspired by CLYW’s Akita, Mark Mangarin’s signature return top, despite it possessing a very different frame. I was captured by the way it felt on the string, and I thought it represented the best of CLYW’s storied history and more modern directions. It was an extremely comfortable design, and it was also celebrated for being competition-capable. Given the Akita’s long-held place in our sandbox of references, it felt natural that we’d one day create an iteration of the Berry that paid homage to it.

To get the Stormberry lighter and still yet more powerful, we wanted to lose some mass in the mid-areas, pack on some muscle at the rims, all the while reducing its overall weight. Our vision of the Stormberry necessitated that it came in leaner than its two Berry brothers.

The Cloudberry comes in at 64g, and is relatively evenly weighted. The Thunderberry is about a gram more at 64.9g, with the extra meat applied onto the rims. For the Stormberry, we reduced its walls to its minimal viable thickness, which gave us room for nice, thick stainless steel rims without having to inflate its weight. It comes in at 63.9g, which makes it the lightest of the Berries, but also the most powerful.

Clocking that weight is significant, given it sports a full frame of 56.4mm (d) and 48.9mm (w).

It’s external profile looks nearly identical to its Berry brothers, but it’s got an entirely new engine under the hood. Anyone who has thrown a Cloudberry or Thunderberry would find the Stormberry familiar in-hand, and might be pleasantly surprised at the additional torque it has without sacrificing any manoeuvrability. It moves and feels even lighter than its weight might suggest.

In any conversation on bimetal organics, special mention must also be made to Damian Puckett’s Duality. I came across the design earlier in the year and picked one up from him directly in September, and loved it almost immediately. It’s difficult not to love Damian’s designs. The resounding sentiment surrounding the Duality is that it is a competition return top disguised as an organic. It definitely plays that way – It comes in at 64g, but has more torque than that spec implies – and elicits our highest recommendations.

The Stormberry project began as a third-act to our Berry series within the Fruitbowl Line, and we ended up with what we feel might be the final installation in our light power organic designs. There are no plans to extend it further, given our sense that this might be it, possibly the furthest we can push it – the Berry with the most juice.

Quick notes on kit:

The Stormberry comes fitted with these clear-grey response pads that came with our earlier models. The Cloudberries, Pomelos and Gojis come with these. They are slightly harder than our own Saturn Pads, and require some break-in time before they become fully grippy. The Stormberry has a wider gap width, and plays its best when its response pads have been given some love.

The Stormberry also comes with Zipline String’s Case Study 50s. They are premium in quality, last long, and are incredibly comfortable. Our models are now designed with this particular string type in mind, so we very literally cannot recommend it more as an ideal pairing.


If you’ve stayed with us till the end of this long post – and the end of this crazy year, too – thank you. Genuinely. 2021 has been a ride, and we’re grateful we’re still in this process of making things that bring joy through play. The love you consistently show us gives us that little extra to keep going.

More to come in 2022.


As always, we welcome thoughts, responses, questions – here or in our DMs!


It’s beautiful, gimme!


This looks super clean love the aesthetics of this yo-yo


@aszyd @Yoyogeek15 thank you!


No problem :wink: can’t wait for this to drop. it looks to good to resist buying :sweat_smile:


Wow. I need that. Seriously, that’s the one. I’m afraid to ask about pricing, as my funds are slightly limited for the rest of the year.

Any word when these will be available yet? I’m gonna start selling another batch of throws to pay for this, I hope there’s a drop at the right time :pray:


I was very sad to hear about the set backs with Noah even though I understand, this is a wonderful substitute for now. It looks like a blast to zip around the string and I am looking forward to seeing how the feel differs from my Thunderberry. Looking forward to getting one of the beauties in my hands. Cheers Ruben.


Hey @ryanmcg ! Thanks so much : ) Colorways and more information to follow tomorrow. We’re working towards dropping before the year wraps.

@Superbad We were equally dismayed – but we’re sure it’ll be worth the wait when they’re finally ready. Thank you for your kind words!


I knew I was selling some yo-yos for a good reason. Will be picking this one up for sure.


This upcoming run of Stormberries will be available in Oatmilk, Dark Cherry, Dark Forest, and Indigo Dusk.

Stormberries in these colorways are a one-off and will not be repeated again.

More information on this drop is now available on our Instagram account, @atmos.projects. If you have any queries or clarifications, let us know and we’ll take care of you.

Thank you!