Are there Magicians Among Us?

^ sounds awesomesauce

Hold up Sonora or Hollywood? I think you mean Sonora.

What part of Cali is Sonora in?

Yes in Sonora.

It’s about an hour east of Modesto. Not too far from Yosemite.

The gum one was mind bottling.

i believe he had a piece in his mouth before he flung it out of the package.

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Thanks. Worked hard on that one.

Flourishing took up most of my teen life. Like you I was mostly inspired to get into it by Dan and Dave. They came to a local shop in the UK in 2009 which was awesome:

You can see me in the vid actually. I’m the first guy you see flourishing at 1:10 or so and I’m kind of dotted around the video. I eat a banana at some point… my brother eats one too, but he’s wearing a hat. =P

Whilst we’re down memory lane…

^ Our first video.

^ Here are some tutorials for tricks me and my bro came up with back in the day.

^ This was our last video. Someone else filmed and edited it and honestly, I don’t like it at all… but its there at any rate.

Great to see another flourisher, especially one that calls it flourishing and not “Cardistry”. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I do miss it…

^ You got skillz.

I like the case, nice palms, nice loads: Good stuff man.

If only they translated over to throwing…

misses eli hop

gets all tangled up



I’m working on something new! :slight_smile:

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^ You got that right!